Hidden Love Quotes! 50+ Sayings about Hidden Love with Images

Hidden Love Quotes and Sayings

  • “You can never convince yourself to stop loving someone, it never works.”
  • “I wish someday, you see my hidden love for you, and say yes to it.”
  • “You know your love is pure when they feel it and accept it without questioning it.”
  • “They both are in love with each other, but it is a secret, for both of them.”
  • “This love is not so secret to be honest, you are just not willing to see it.”
  • “Do not hide your love. A Love that is a secret, can never turn into a love story.”
  • “Loving you is not my choice, but keeping it a secret is, and I hate myself for making the same choice every single day.”
  • “Today my love asked me about whom do I love. It killed me to say ‘No one’, when all I wanted to say was ‘you’.”
  • “Loving you is not easy. Mainly because I do not have any idea how to tell you about it, and you have no intentions of finding it out.”
  • “It is hard not to think about you. Whether I am busy or free, whether I am awake or asleep, you are the only thing on my mind.”
  • “It is true that in the end, love hurts. No matter what you do, love cause pain. So why not keep your love a secret, and be in pain alone.”
  • “My biggest secret is that I love you. And it kills me not to tell you this secret. But I am afraid that it is going to ruin everything we have right now.”
  • “Maybe telling you that I love you for a good amount of time will make things weird between us. But it is fine, because mentioned scenario is only one possibility how things can turn out.”
  • “It is hard to pretend that I am not in love with you, it is hard to act normal when someone else calls you mine, it is hard to hear just friends when people need your introduction.”
  • “My love for you is hidden from you. Everyone sees it but you do not. Maybe it is all about attractions and repulsions. You are not attracted to me and you think just the same for me as well.”
  • “You do not see it right now, but love that you are holding in, is not going to bring good result. It needs to be said, it needs to be seen, and most importantly it needs to be felt.”
  • “You do not know how much I love you, and the reason why you do not know about that is because you do not care. I am just another person in your life whom you will not miss on disappearing.”
  • “Spending time with you is the best and the worst thing. Best, because when I am with you I feel complete. Worst, because every time I see you I want to kiss you, but I cannot, simply because you are not mine.”
  • “Loving you is not hard, but keeping it a secret is. It kills me more than not having you by my side. But I am not ready to lose you the way you are with me, even if it is a constant torture.”
  • “Love can be a secret in two situations. First, when you both are in love and keeping it a secret. Second, when one of you is in love and one of you has no idea. First one is fine, but second one can make your life a living hell.”
  • “I hide my love from you when I am with you, I control myself when all I want to do is kiss you, and I kill myself from inside every time I want to hug you. It is taking a lot of me, and all I want to do is to confess this love of mine.”