150 Inspirational Boxing Quotes and Sayings from Famous Boxer

Boxing Quotes : Famous and Inspirational boxing quotes and sayings from famous boxer with beautiful images. Boxing is a sport in which there is a risk of life and which you can never take lightly. One small mistake can change your career…and life. To be successful, relying on skill and talent is not enough. Instead, it is very important to have the will to win.

There are many great boxers (Fighter celebrities and champions in the boxing world). Although some famous boxing quotes are still very famous today, even if they were told many years ago, they still apply today.

If you are looking for some of the famous inspirational, and motivational boxing quotes, then you are at the right place. Get your favorite boxing quotes that will help you to get you back on your feet again and motivate you.

Here, we have listed a lot of famous boxer quotes. From fun, simple, crazy to inspirational and motivational. Most of us will only know one or two boxing quotes. You can also find a list of the most famous boxing quotes and some of the lesser-known boxing quotes here. From the great Muhammad Ali to the great Mike Tyson, there is no shortage of boxing quotes that are as outspoken and eclectic as these famous boxers. Let’s have a read these famous, motivational and inspirational boxing quotes from famous boxers.

Best Boxing Quotes

  • ”Everybody Has A Plan Until They Get Punched In The Face.” —Mike Tyson
  • “In boxing you create a strategy to beat each new opponent, it’s just like chess.” —Lennox Lewis
  • ”Everybody You Fight Is Not Your Enemy And EveryBody That Helps You Is Not Your Friend.” —Mike Tyson
  • Boxing Isn’t Just About Brute Strength, It’s About Skill And Been Able To Outwit Your Opponent, Its Just Like Chess.” —Lennox Lewis
  • “Boxing is a sport of self-control. You must understand fear so you can manipulate it. Fear is like fire. You can make it work for you; it can warm you in the winter, cook your food when you’re hungry, give you light when you’re in the dark and produce energy. Let it go out of control and it can hurt you, even kill you…fear is a friend of exceptional people.” —Cus D’Amato

Famous Boxing Quotes

Most people think that boxers or fighters may not be the most eloquent speakers. But in fact, over the years, many famous boxers have given many inspiring and famous boxing quotes and sayings. Here are some quotes from famous boxers.

  • “People don’t realize what they had till it’s gone. Like President Kennedy, there was no one like him, the Beatles, and my man Elvis Presley. I was the Elvis of boxing.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “Even though I heard him say he doesn’t believe, cuz’ that’s why from watching Ali gave me a great deal of confidence and deep-down inner belief to believe there’s no man fighting that could beat me.” —Mike Tyson
  • “Getting hit motivates me. It makes me punish the guy more. A boxer takes a punch, hits back with three punches.” —Roberto “Hands of Stone” Duran
  • “I don’t count the sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count. That’s what makes you a champion.” —Muhammad Ali

Inspirational Boxing Quotes On Success

So, as you can see, boxers are much more than just boxing each other. Anyone can easily become a world boxer or champion with his good personality, courage and determination. From daily training in the boxing ring to the actual fight, these two aspects of boxing allow opening up some important thoughts, and we must thank them for these beautiful, effective and inspirational quotes from famous boxers. Here are some most inspirational boxing quotes on success.

  • “Inactivity is the biggest sin in boxing.” —Sugar Ray Leonard
  • “Life doesn’t run away from nobody. Life runs at people.” —Joe Frazier
  • “The tempt for greatness is the biggest drug in the world.” —Mike Tyson
  • “Boxing is serious. It’s not a game. Just one punch – change life.” —Gennady Golovkin
  • “Boxing gave me the opportunities to grow into the person that I am today.” —Alexis Arguello
  • “You don’t think. It’s all instinct. If you stop to think, you’re gone.” —Sugar Ray Robinson
  • “To see a man beaten not by a better opponent but by himself is a tragedy.” —Cus D’amato
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “There is so much to learn from boxing, you can never have learnt everything; anybody who says they know it all is lying. You can’t – there is always something new to learn.” —Nicola Adams
  • “To be a great champion you must first believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “It ain’t about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” —Rocky Balbao
  • “Boxing is the only sport you can get your brain shook, your money took and your name in the undertaker book.” —Joe Frazier
  • “To win takes a complete commitment of mind and body. When you can’t make that commitment, they don’t call you a champion anymore.” —Rocky Marciano
  • “Boxing is the ultimate challenge. There’s nothing that can compare to testing yourself the way you do every time you step in the ring.” —Sugar Ray Leonard
  • “Know that the power comes from within: when you are tired, or you want to give up, dig deep. Dig deep for whatever reason – in boxing, in sport, in life.” —Joseph Parker
  • “Boxing is about being hit rather more than it is about hitting, just as it is about feeling pain, if not devastating psychological paralysis, more than it is about winning.” —Joyce Carol Oates
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “Boxing is the magic of men in combat, the magic of will, and skill, and pain, and the risking of everything so you can respect yourself for the rest of your life.” —F.X. Toole
  • “I’m scared every time I go into the ring, but it’s how you handle it. What you have to do is plant your feet, bite down on your mouthpiece and say, ‘Let’s go.’“ —Mike Tyson
  • “The possession of muscular strength and the courage to use it in contests with other men for physical supremacy does not necessarily imply a lack of appreciation for the finer and better things of life.” —Jack Johnson
  • “In boxing, they say it’s the punch you don’t see coming that knocks you out. In the wider world, the reality we ignore or deny is the one that weakens our most impassioned efforts toward improvement.” —Katherine Dunn
  • “Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “Boxing is like chess. You encourage your opponent to make mistakes so you can capitalise on it. People think you get in the ring and see the red mist, but it’s not about aggression. Avoiding getting knocked out is tactical.” —Nicol Adams
  • “A sight game is that I am hurt, but I aim to make you believe I am not even hurt, and with this confidence appearing on my face, I don’t panic, otherwise your opponent will know that you are hurt. That’s the whole art game in boxing.” —Evander Holyfield
  • “When you’re around some of the greatest minds in boxing, and you don’t take something from it, you’re a fool. I would just sit and listen to Don King talk all day, and everyone would be like, ‘He talks too much.’ I would tell them, ‘No, there’s wisdom in these conversations.’“ —Eric B.
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “Never give up, which is the lesson I learned from boxing. As soon as you learn to never give up, you have to learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that one doesn’t cancel out the other; they just exist as contradictions. The wisdom of it comes as you get older.” —Kris Kristofferson
  • “Mental strength is really important because you either win or lose in your mind. And I’m not solely talking about sporting matches, boxing events – anything you do, you do it first with your mental strength. And you can actually train and develop it, and I am responsible for what I’m saying because I have experience with that.” —Wladimir Klitschko

Motivational Boxing Quotes

Here are the best boxing quotes and sayings to motivate you in life. Let’s have a look at these motivational boxing quotes.

  • “I fight for perfection.” —“Iron” Mike Tyson
  • “To become a champion, fight one more round.” —James Corbett
  • “Boxing is the toughest and loneliest sport in the world.” —Frank Bruno
  • “The tempt for greatness is the biggest drug in the world.” —Mike Tyson
  • “I’m not God, but I am something similar.” —Roberto “Hands of Stone” Duran
  • “To see a man beaten not by a better opponent but by himself is a tragedy.” —Cus D’Amato
  • “To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when no one else will.” —Sugar Ray Robinson
  • “I was painfully initiated into boxing, because the guys I fought were a lot bigger than me.” —Sugar Ray Leonard
  • “If you screw things up in tennis, it’s 15-love. If you screw up in boxing, it’s your ass.” —Randall “Tex” Cobb
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “Getting hit motivates me. It makes me punish the guy more. A fighter takes a punch, hits back with three punches.” —Roberto “Hands of Stone” Duran
  • “His mouth made him feel like he was gonna win. Not his hands, I had my hand. He had his lips.” —Joe Frazier on his fight with Muhammad Ali
  • “The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “Bruce Lee was an artist and, like him, I try to go beyond the fundamentals of my sport. I want the public to see a knockout in the making.” —Sugar Ray Leonard
  • “The loss just made me hungry; it made me want to go out and win another title.” —Thomas “Hitman” Hearns on his first loss to at the hands of Sugar Ray Leonard
  • “He saved my life, he saved my career. I can’t thank him enough for the chance to fight him.” —Ken Norton, 5-1 underdog seizing his opportunity and winning his fight against Muhammad Ali.
  • “Rhythm is everything in boxing. Every move you make starts with your heart, and that’s in rhythm or you’re in trouble.” —Sugar Ray Robinson, considered by many to be the greatest boxer of all time.
  • “The possession of muscular strength and the courage to use it in contests with other men for physical supremacy does not necessarily imply a lack of appreciation for the finer and better things of life.” —First black world heavyweight champion, Jack Johnson
  • “The hero and the coward both feel the same thing, but the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It’s the same thing, fear, but it’s what you do with it that matters.” —Legendary trainer, Cus D’Amato
  • “That’s the most beautiful thing that I like about boxing: you can take a punch. The biggest thing about taking a punch is your ego reacts and there’s no better spiritual lesson than trying to not pay attention to your ego’s reaction.” —David O Russell
  • “It’s less about the physical training, in the end, than it is about the mental preparation: boxing is a chess game. You have to be skilled enough and have trained hard enough to know how many different ways you can counterattack in any situation, at any moment.” —Jimmy Smits
  • “When I was a young fellow I was knocked down plenty. I wanted to stay down, but I couldn’t. I had to collect the two dollars for winning or go hungry. I had to get up. I was one of those hungry fighters. You could have hit me on the chin with a sledgehammer for five dollars. When you haven’t eaten for two days you’ll understand.” —J.Dempsey

Muhammad Ali Boxing Quotes

  • “Don’t count the days, make the days count.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “The man who has no imagination has no wings.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “It’s not bragging if I can back it up.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “Service to others is the rent your room here on earth.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “It’s hard to be humble when you’re as great as I am.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” —Muhammad Ali
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion’.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “I am the astronaut of boxing. Joe Louis and Dempsey were just jet pilots. I’m in a world of my own.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “Sonny Liston is nothing. The man can’t talk. The man can’t fight. The man needs talking lessons. The man needs boxing lessons. And since he’s gonna fight me, he needs falling lessons.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” —Muhammad Ali

Mike Tyson Boxing Quotes

  • “I love to hit people. I love to.” —Mike Tyson
  • “I’m going to gut you like a fish.” —Mike Tyson
  • “I’ll go back and take what the people owe me.” —Mike Tyson
  • “Everyone has a play ’till they get punched in the mouth.” —Mike Tyson
  • “I feel like sometimes that I was not meant for this society.” —Mike Tyson
  • “I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!” —Mike Tyson
  • “As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want.” —Mike Tyson
  • “I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It’s ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm.” —Mike Tyson
  • “Everybody thinks this is a tough man’s sport. This is not a tough man’s sport. This is a thinking man’s sport. A tough man is gonna get hurt real bad in this sport.” —Mike Tyson
  • “When you have something in life that you want to accomplish greatly, you have to be willing to give up your happiness…I’ve lost all my sensitivity as far as being embarrassed, being shy, you just have to lose that.” —Mike Tyson
  • “Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t have fun accomplishing your goals. Sometimes people don’t have the determination, the will, the steadfastness, the tenacity, they give in under the slightest struggle.” —Mike Tyson

George Foreman Boxing Quotes

  • “They’ll take everything, even your tears.” —George Foreman
  • “Sure the fight was fixed. I fixed it with a right hand.” —George Foreman
  •  “Boxing is like Jazz, the better it is, the less people apprecite it.” —George Foreman
  • “The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income.” —George Foreman
  • “Being angry and resentful of someone is like letting them live rent-free in your head.” —George Foreman
  • “To be successful in life, you must get in the habit of turning negatives into positives.” —George Foreman
  • “My kids idea of a hard life is to live in a house with only one phone.” —George Foreman
  • “Many people fails not so much because of their mistakes; they fail because they are afraid to try.” —George Foreman
  • “It would be hard to throw a punch to someone who wasn’t a boxer, who wasn’t in the ring, and who didn’t have on a pair of boxing gloves and who hadn’t been training.” —George Foreman
  • “The world is full of people who like to play it safe, people who have tremendous potential, but they never use it. Somewhere deep inside them, they know they could so more in life, be more, and have more.” —George Foreman
  • “In boxing, I had a lot of fear. Fear was good. But, for the first time, in the bout with Muhammad Ali, I didn’t have any fear. I thought, ‘This is easy. This is what I’ve been waiting for’. No fear at all. No nervousness. And I lost.” —George Foreman

Sonny Liston Boxing Quotes

  • “The only thing my old man ever gave me was a beating.” —Sonny Liston
  • “How would you like to find out how good my right is?.” —Sonny Liston
  • “My punches are just as hard in Chicago as in New York.” —Sonny Liston
  • “Newspapermen ask dumb questions. They look up at the sun and ask if it is shining.” —Sonny Liston
  • “A boxing match is like a cowboy movies. There’s got to be good guys and there’s got to be bad guys. And that’s what people pay for–to see the bad guys get beat.” —Sonny Liston

Jack Dempsey Boxing Quotes

  • “Honey, I just forgot to duck.” —Jack Dempsey
  • “The best defense is a good offense.” —Jack Dempsey
  • “A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.” —Jack Dempsey A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.
  • “Nobody owes anybody a living, but everybody is entitled to a chance.” —Jack Dempsey
  • “Tall men come down to my height when I hit ’em in the body.” —Jack Dempsey
  • “I can’t sing and I can’t dance, but I can lick any S.O.B. in the house.” —Jack Dempsey
  • “All the time he’s boxing, he’s thinking. Al the time he was thinking, I was hitting him.” —Jack Dempsey
  • “When I was a young fellow I was knocked down plenty. I wanted to stay down, but I couldn’t. I had to collect the two dollars for winning or go hungry. I had to get up. I was one of those hungry fighters. You could have hit me on the chin with a sledgehammer for five dollars.”—Jack Dempsey

Manny Pacquiao Boxing Quotes

  • “Boxing is not about your feelings. It’s about performance.” —Manny Pacquiao
  • “If you work hard in training, the fight is easy.” —Manny Pacquiao
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “There are three things you need to remember in boxing, work hard, work harder, and work hardest.” —Manny Pacquiao
  • “Anyone will succeed in whatever field of endeavor in life by acquiring the same virtues and character that boxing world champions do – dedication, perseverance, courage, extreme self-discipline and prayers.” —Manny Pacquiao
  • “I remember as a little boy I ate one meal a day and sometimes slept in the street. I will never forget that and it inspires me to fight hard, stay strong and remember all the people of my country trying to achieve better for themselves.” —Manny Pacquiao

Floyd Mayweather Jr. Boxing Quotes

  • “When you talking boxing, you talking me.” —Floyd Mayweather Jr.
  • “God only made one thing in this world that’s perfect – and that’s my boxing record.” —Floyd Mayweather Jr.
  • “There’s ups and downs with boxing, layoffs are part of the sport and they can either help or hurt a guy.” —Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “He can have heart, he can hit harder and he can be stronger, but there’s no fighter smarter than me.” —Floyd “Money” Mayweather Jr.
  • ”If you fight angry, you make a lot of mistakes, and when you fight a sharp witty fighter like me, you can’t make mistakes.” —Floyd Mayweather Jr.
  • “Everybody Is Blessed With A Certain Talent, You Have To Know What That Talent Is..You Have To Maximise It And Push It To The limit.” —Floyd Mayweather
  • “I’m not in this sport to see how hard I can get hit or to see how many big punches I can take. I am in this game to fight as long as I can. I am trying to dish a lot of punishment.” —Floyd Mayweather Jr.
  • “If you work good, you’re gonna get paid very well for it. Simple as that, that’s how life goes. If you work hard, you’re gonna get good results. If you talk baloney, you’re gonna be at the bottom with a bunch of people that’s at the bottom.” —Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Andre Ward Boxing Quotes

  • “I like to talk come fight night, that’s how I do it, but I’m not a pushover.” —Andre Ward
  • “Every fighter is my toughest challenge to date. After I get done with one fight, the next challenge is the toughest.” —Andre Ward
  • ”The part that sickens me about boxing is guys fight their whole careers and they have nothing to show for it. That’s not going to be my testimony. When it’s time to get out of the game, I want to be able to walk away. I’m not going to jeopardize my health. I will have no problems walking away.” —Andre Ward
  • “I want my legacy to be that I was a man of character, I was a God fearing man and somebody who bettered the sport in terms of the way I represented the sport. But also that fact that I was a fierce competitor and fought the best in the world and was able to come out on top, so if those things could be said about me, then I look at it as a job well done.” —Andre Ward

Deontay Wilder Boxing Quotes

  • “Having patience is one of the hardest things about being human. We want to do it now, and we don’t want to wait. Sometimes we miss out on our blessing when we rush things and do it on our own time.” —Deontay Wilder
  • “There comes a time when you have to put forth the action and actually see whether you’re really just talking to promote yourself, just to sell yourself, or to build your confidence or build confidence around you or are you the real deal.” —Deontay Wilder

Boxer Quotes and Sayings

  • “A boxer never sees the big one that hits him.” —George Foreman
  • “A boxer must exercise and develop every part of his body.” —Gene Tunney
  • “The life of a boxer is about fighting for world titles.” —Roberto Duran
  • “There’s something so familial and intimate between a boxer and his trainer.” —Jimmy Smits
  • “To be a boxer is to be within yourself, inside your thoughts and feelings.” —Brian D’Ambrosio
  • “As a boxer, you have to put risk in to get to another level.” —Nonito Donaire
  • “When you’re a boxer, there is a lot of downtime and long periods of inactivity.” —Sugar Ray Leonard
  • “A boxer makes a comeback for two reasons: either he’s broke or he needs the money.” —Alan Minter
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers 8
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “Boxers, like prostitutes, are in the business of ruining their bodies for the pleasure of strangers.” —Wayne Kelly
  • “To be knocked out doesn’t mean what it seems. A boxer does not have to get up.” —Joyce Carol Oates
  • “Just like a boxer can’t win without a few punches on his face, a student can’t be fully trained without ups and downs.” —Pawan Mishra
  • “A boxer is like a lion, the greatest predator on land, but you throw him in the shark tank and he’s just another meal.” —Renzo Gracie
  • “No boxer in the history of boxing has had Parkinson’s. There’s no injury in my brain that suggests that the illness came from boxing.” —Muhammad Ali
  • “The mere fact that a boxer covers his face never means that he is much afraid of his opponent. A good punch will give a better explanation for his action!” —Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
  • “Once that bell rings you’re on your own. It’s just you and the other guy.” —Joe Louis
  • “If you cheat on your road work in the dark of the morning, you will be found out in the big fight under the bright lights.” —Joe Louis
  • “A champion doesn’t become a champion in the ring, he’s merely recognized in the ring. His “becoming” happens during his daily routine.” —Joe Louis
  • “Mental health has got to be the biggest battle I’ve ever fought with, more than any opponent.” —Tyson Fury
  • “To come back from the brink of no return to get back to the top of the world, that is gonna be a statement for mental health itself.” —Tyson Fury
  • “I’ve been as low as anybody can go and as high as anyone can go, and you can always overcome these problems that one may have.” — Tyson Fury
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “Within our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities.” —‘Sugar’ Ray Leonard
  • “It’s tough to get out of bed to do roadwork at 5am when you’ve been sleeping in silk pajamas.” —Marvin Hagler
  • “Just set yourself a goal and try and stick to it. Because you’ll always end up better than where you started.” —Anthony Joshua
  • “As long as you have discipline, you can be a success. Discipline is what makes you do everything you need to do.” —Anthony Joshua
  • “To be the best, you need to spend hours and hours running, hitting the speed bag, lifting weights and focusing on weights.” —‘Sugar’ Ray Leonard
  • “In boxing, it is about the obsession of getting the most from yourself: wanting to dominate the world like a hungry young lion.” —Anthony Joshua
  • “You have to speak from a place where all is possible. When you speak from a place where there’s limits, you’ve already set yourself up to fail.” —Anthony Joshua
  • “A champion shows who he is by what he does when he’s tested. When a person gets up and says ‘I can still do it’, he’s a champion.” —Marvin Hagler
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
  • “In order to be at the top and maintain your focus you have to have something that motivates you. For me, it was what I perceived as a lack of respect from the boxing world as well as the media, which made me want to work so hard and be great.” —Marvin Hagler
  • “The only way you can get experience is from the clock. Time works with some people and against some people. Fortunately, the clock has worked in my favour.” —Bernard Hopkins
  • “You’re hated by some, loved by others, but that’s what’s great about being different. If everybody loved you, that means you’re not doing the right thing most of the time.” —Bernard Hopkins
  • “Every fighter should really do that if they can, because if you build a fan base at home first, then once they receive you at home, it’ll be easier to be received elsewhere.” —Roy Jones Jr.
  • “I made an instant connection with boxing right away. Boxing became such a part of me. I ate boxing, I slept boxing, I lived boxing. Boxing was a way of expressing myself because I was not that outspoken.” —‘Sugar’ Ray Leonard
  • “Boxing’s an art, it’s a science, and you don’t go out to knock people out. If they happen to get knocked out, they happen to run into one of these bricks by mistake [looks at his fists], that’s their fault.” —Roy Jones Jr.

Boxing Captions For Instagram

  • Blow-by-blow.
  • Slugfest!
  • Heavy Hitter.
  • Come out swinging.
  • Duke it out.
  • Here’s my corner.
  • Glutton for punishment.
  • Heels off. Gloves on.
  • Keep your guard up.
  • Fighting above your weight.
  • Time to throw hands.
  • Throw in the towel.
  • That’s a low blow.
  • Ready to take a dive.
  • You beat me to the punch.
  • Don’t let the weekend become your weak end.
  • You don’t have to be extreme, just consistent.
  • If you work hard in training, the fight is easy.
  • A little progress every day adds up to big results.
  • I wanted to post a joke about boxing… but I forgot the punchline.

Boxing Quotes Images and Pictures

Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers
Inspirational Boxing Quotes from Famous Boxers

Final Thoughts on Boxing Quotes

These Boxing quotes are exactly the same your are looking for motivation and inspiration as a boxer or fighter. May these famous boxing quotes inspire you to take action so that you can succeed, realize your dreams, and live a better life. You should adapt these boxing quotes in your life.

Boxing has produced some of the greatest characters in the sport. The above-mentioned most inspirational boxing quotes from famous boxers that represent their time, boxer and his mindset. So let’s stop the discussion and go directly to it. These boxing quotes are from the great and famous boxers of the past and some current boxers. Enjoy these famous quotes from boxers. We hope everyone will like these evergreen quotes from the most memorable boxers of all time.