80 Judging People Quotes, Sayings On Judging Others & Images
Inspirational Judging People Quotes
“Instead of judging people, we need to pray.” —Joyce Meyer
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” —Mother Teresa
“People hasten to judge in order not to be judged themselves.” —Albert Camus
“You can’t judge people and touch their souls at the same time.” —Tama Kievs
“If I stop judging other people, I free myself from being judged, and I can dance!”
“We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.” —Henry Ward Beecher
“People will judge you for no reason. Use the stones they cast to build a solid foundation because once you are strong, you are unstoppable.” —Michael Kilby
“I’m not judging people, I’m judging their actions. It’s the same type of distinction that I try to apply to myself, to judge, but not be judgmental.” —Jeff Melvoin
“Our natural egoism leads us to judge people by their relations to ourselves. We want them to be certain things to us, and for us that is what they are; because the rest of them is no good to us, we ignore it.” —W. Somerset Maugham
“People are always judging you based on where you’re from, where you went to school, how you look, how you talk. But at the end of the day, you’re going to have to look into the mirror and accept who you are. It’s all about being authentic.” —Andre Carson
“When you judge other people without wanting to know the true story behind their actions, is usually when there is something inside of you that is so broken that if you found out what you believed about them was a lie, you wouldn’t want to accept it or make amends.”
“People who judge others tell more about Who They Are, than Who They Judge.” —Donald L. Hicks
“Still, it was a sad state of the world that people judged others not by the best that they could be but by the worst thought in their own hearts.” —Elizabeth Hoyt
“Judging other people is such a natural and reflex phenomenon that even when somebody advises everybody not to judge anybody, actually he never realized that he has already judged that people judge others.” —Anuj Somany
Bible Verses and Christian Quotes about Judging
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” —(Matthew 7:1-5)
Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” —(John 7:24)
“Yes, let God be the Judge. Your job today is to be a witness.”
“The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.” —1 Corinthians 2:15
None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves.”
“For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.” —(Luke 6:37)
Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.”
Famous Quotes on Judging and Being Judged
“Not judging people is the fastest way to peace.” —Jonathan Jackson
“Why judge when it’s only a matter of perception.” —Haresh Sippy
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” —MotherTeresa
“It is the property of fools to be always judging.” —Thomas Fuller
“Every time I judge someone else, I reveal an unhealed part of myself.” —Anonymous
“Easy to judge the mistakes of others, difficult to recognize our own mistakes.” —Anonymous
“When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.” —Earl Nightingale
“We should be rigorous in judging ourselves and gracious in judging others.” —John Wesley
“The least amount of judging we can do, the better off we are.” —Michael J. Fox
“Stop judging how far people still have to go. Start celebrating how far they’ve come.” —Anonymous
“Most people who are criticizing and judging haven’t even tried what you failed at.” —David Goggins
“Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.” —Jean de La Fontaine
“Judging others is just wasting your time, giving your advice to men who don’t pay.” —Toba Beta
“Judging is giving too much value on the surface and missing the value beneath.” —Dee Dee Artner
“Society judges people by their successes. I get attracted by their dedication, simplicity, and humility.” —Debasish Mridha
“I have spent my life judging the distance between American reality and the American dream.” —Bruce Springsteen
“You want to remember that while you’re judging the book, the book is also judging you.” —Stephen King
“If I stop judging other people, I free myself from being judged, and I can dance!” —Patti Digh
“When someone judges you, it isn’t actually about you. It’s about them and their own insecurities, limitations, and needs.” —Lulu
“Faultfinders usually are not content with their own situations in life and therefore try to make others miserable by judging them.”―Greg Gordon
“Do not be the judge of people; do not make assumptions about others. A person is destroyed by holding judgments about others.” —Gautam Buddha
“Everyone has untold stories of pain and sadness that make them love and live a little differently than you do. Stop judging, instead try to understand.” —Anonymous
“How would your life be different if…You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day…You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.” —Steve Maraboli
“Some people come into our life as a blessing, while others come into our life as a lesson, so love them for who they are instead of judging them for who they are not.” —Yolanda Hadid
“Let them judge you They will judge you and let them judge you. You just don’t have to care. Let go of what others think about you and let yourself shine. Do your thing and keep rolling because you got this.” —Charles E Hudson