Prison Sayings and Quotes – Inspire Quotes and Sayings

Prison Quotes

  • “Be happy, but never satisfied.” —Bruce Lee
  • “It’s not always easy being her daughter.” —Sarah Dessen
  • “I Like Flaws. I Think They Make Things Interesting.” —Sarah Dessen
  • “A Prison Becomes A Home When You Have The Key.” —George Sterling
  • “Love Is So Unpredictable. That’s What Makes It So Great.” —Sarah Dessen
  • “But there was happiness elsewhere which no description can reach.” —Jane Austen
  • “The more we value things, the less we value ourselves. —Bruce Lee
  • “The spirit of the individual is determined by his dominating thought habits.” —Bruce Lee
  • “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” —Bruce Lee
  • “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.” —Bruce Lee
  • “You need power only to do something harmful. Otherwise love is enough, compassion is enough.” —Osho Rajneesh
  • “The fate of your heart is your choice and no one else gets a vote.” —Sarah Dessen
  • “Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that’s what makes you strong.” —Sarah Dessen
  • “It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” —Bruce Lee
  • “Don’t fear failure.” —not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail.” —Bruce Lee
  • “The future was one thing that could never be broken because it had not yet had the chance to be anything.” —Sarah Dessen
  • “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.” —Bruce Lee
  • “The choices you make now, the people you surround yourself with, they all have the potential to affect your life, even who you are, forever.” —Sarah Dessen
  • “If you didn’t love him, this never would have happened. But you did. And accepting that love and everything that followed it is part of letting it go.” —Sarah Dessen

Famous Quotes about Prison

  • “The most anxious man in a prison is the governor.” —George Bernard Shaw
  • “We are all serving a life sentence in the dungeon of the self.” —Cyril Connolly
  • “In prison, those things withheld from and denied to the prisoner become precisely what he wants most of all.” —Eldridge Cleaver
  • “Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.” —Henry David Thoreau
  • “He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered, though overcome; for he is still an enemy.” —Thomas Hobbes
  • “The prisoner is not the one who has committed a crime, but the one who clings to his crime and lives it over and over.” —Henry Miller
  • “Prison continues, on those who are entrusted to it, a work begun elsewhere, which the whole of society pursues on each individual through innumerable mechanisms of discipline.” —Michel Foucault
  • “There is a close relationship between flowers and convicts. The fragility and delicacy of the former are of the same nature as the brutal insensitivity of the latter.” —Jean Genet
  • “We who live in prison, and in whose lives there is no event but sorrow, have to measure time by throbs of pain, and the record of bitter moments.” —Oscar Wilde
  • “A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that’s unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push.” —Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • “Anyone who has been to an English public school will always feel comparatively at home in prison. It is the people brought up in the gay intimacy of the slums who find prison so soul-destroying.” —Evelyn Waugh
  • “To assert in any case that a man must be absolutely cut off from society because he is absolutely evil amounts to saying that society is absolutely good, and no-one in his right mind will believe this today.” —Albert Camus
  • “I know not whether Laws be right or whether Laws be wrong; all that we know who live in goal is that the wall is strong; and that each day is like a year, a year whose days are long.” —Oscar Wilde
  • “We are all conceived in close prison; in our mothers’ wombs, we are close prisoners all; when we are born, we are born but to the liberty of the house; prisoners still, though within larger walls; and then all our life is but a going out to the place of execution, to death.” —John Donne
  • “Such is the remorseless progression of human society, shedding lives and souls as it goes on its way. It is an ocean into which men sink who have been cast out by the law and consigned, with help most cruelly withheld, to moral death. The sea is the pitiless social darkness into which the penal system casts those it has condemned, an unfathomable waste of misery. The human soul, lost in those depths, may become a corpse. Who shall revive it?” —Victor Hugo
  • In jail a man has no personality. He is a minor disposal problem and a few entries on reports. Nobody cares who loves or hates him, what he looks like, what he did with his life. Nobody reacts to him unless he gives trouble. Nobody abuses him. All that is asked of him is that he go quietly to the right cell and remain quiet when he gets there. There is nothing to fight against, nothing to be mad at. The jailers are quiet men without animosity or sadism. All this stuff you read about men yelling and screaming, beating against the bars, running spoons along them, guards rushing in with clubs — all that is for the big house. A good jail is one of the quietest places in the world. Life in jail is in suspension.” —Raymond Chandler

Funny Prison Quotes

  • “I don’t want want to go to jail, I’m fragile.” —Chelsea Handler
  • “A man of courage never needs weapons, but he may need bail.”—Lewis Mumford
  • “I don’t like jail; they got the wrong kind of bars in there.”—Charles Bukowski
  • “If a kid calls his grandma “Mommy” and his mama “Pam”, he’s going to jail.” —Martin Lawrence
  • “They’re not supposed to show prison films in prison. Especially ones that are about escaping.”—Steve Buscemi
  • “There’s no happy ending to cocaine. You either die, you go to jail, or else you run out.” —Steve Harvey
  • “Don’t do drugs because if you do drugs you’ll go to prison, and drugs are really expensive in prison.”— John Hardwick
  • “If it weren’t for my lawyer, I’d still be in prison. It went a lot faster with two people digging.”—Joe Martin, Mister Boffo
  • “I can’t go to jail, not with his soft skin and these boyish good looks. I’ll be snapped up before the first lights out! —Damon Wayans
  • “I found out one of my old partners, Larry, is in jail now. Larry got 25 years for something he didn’t do. He didn’t run fast enough.
  • “The Washington State Supreme Court on Thursday announced a two year suspension for a lawyer caught having jailhouse sex with a triple murder defendant she was representing. Haha! Jokes on you, dummies…I’m not really a lawyer.” —Chris Rock
  • “There better not be a black person in here that says they don’t know nobody in jail… ’cause that’s bullshit. Ray-Ray, Earl, Craig, Shorty Tim, Lil’ Reg, all them motherfuckers in jail… Shonda’s little brother… all of ’em, in jail… chillin’.” —Adam Sandler
  • “Are you there vodka? It’s me, Chelsea. Please get me out of jail and I promise I will never drink again. Drink and drive. I will never drink and drive again. I may even start my own group fashioned after MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, but I’ll call it AWLTDASH, Alcoholics Who Like to Drink and Stay Home.” —Greg Giraldo
  • “Why is marijuana not legal? It’s a natural plant that grows in the dirt. Do you know what’s not natural? Eighty-year-old dudes with hard-ons. That’s not natural. But we got pills for that. We’re dedicating all our medical resources to keeping the old guys erect, but we’re putting people in jail for something that grows in the dirt? —Sam Kinison
  • “I was watchin’ the news the other day, and I heard them talking about a criminal named Brian Regan same spelling and everything. He’s gonna be in jail for the rest of his life. So I’m sitting there doing a crossword puzzle and all of a sudden I hear, “It is unknown whether the charges against Brian Regan will lead to his execution.” “Guess I can put this down. Honey, did we pay that parking ticket?!” —Bill Burr
  • “What’s up with all these guys killing their wives now? Like, every couple of weeks in the news, you see that sht — guys killing their wives. I don’t understand it. First of all, why would you kill another person, and second of all, don’t they think the whole thing through? Like, how the whole thing’s gonna play out? Like, ‘I’m gonna kill my wife, then I’m gonna get caught, then I’m gonna go to jail, then I’m gonna get f*ked in the ass.’” —Tina Fey
  • “That’s why when I send a postcard I quiz people. “Hey, did you get that postcard?” “Yeah, yeah yeah.” “Well what’d I say?” “Uh, you were havin-” “I was in jail.” —Brian Regan

Inspirational Prison Quotes

  • “Self-doubt imprisons those that never overcome it.” —Obiora Embry
  • “Be free, not from a prison, but from yourself.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Be free! Get out of your prison of conforming thoughts.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Belief is a shelter, a prison for a curious mind.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “I have never been contained except I made the prison.” —Mari Evans
  • “If life is a prison, then death is the ultimate freedom.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Hard work is only a prison sentence when you lack motivation.” —Malcolm Gladwell
  • “Have a great imagination and get out of the prison of pervasive reality.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “In this universe, love is the liberating force from the prison of judgment.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Life is like a prison. To survive it is through self-healing and absolute dignity.” —Izad
  • “Will you treat people who make you miserable, as prison guards, or travel agents?” —Leslie Miklosy
  • “Why do you stay in the prison of stress when keys are in your hand?” —Debasish Mridha
  • “What an interesting little prison we build from the invisible bricks of other people’s opinions.” —Jacob Nordby
  • “Joseph went from kidnap experience to pit, to slavery, to prison then to PRIME MINISTER.” —Ikechukwu Joseph
  • “You are a prisoner of your thoughts. Expand your thoughts and get out of the prison.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Any education that doesn’t allow you to think freely is not an education but a prison.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “We are never free when we imprison ourselves in the prison of our fixed, false beliefs.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “When you have wings of love to fly, why do you sit in a prison and cry?” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Often religious education teaches us to conform and creates a psychological prison which is difficult to escape.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “A grateful mindset can set you free from the prison of disempowerment and the shackles of misery.” —Steve Maraboli
  • “When you no longer need approval from others like the air you breathe, the possibilities in life are endless.
  • “It’s easy to have high morals when you’d be safe naked in the middle of San Quentin Prison.” —Ed Williams
  • “You are the prisoner, the prison and the prison keeper. Only you hold the key to your freedom.” —Ricky Mathieson
  • “I promise you that I will steal your heart and keep it in the prison of my love forever.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Love is a prison of life where we always like to get in and never want to get out.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Your mind can be either your prison or your palace. What you make it is yours to decide.” —Bernard Kelvin Clive
  • “Find the window of unconditional love in your heart and liberate yourself from the prison of judgemental and conforming thoughts.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “We are the prisoners of conformity. To get out of this prison, education is the only door and only opportunity.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Forgiveness is the highest form of a gift of kindness and it brings freedom from the prison of hatred and revenge.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Education shouldn’t be the prison of known knowledge, but it should be the bridge to find the yet unknown universe of knowledge.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Your life looks like a prison because you focus on the things you wish you had and thus don’t appreciate what you already have.
  • “So I learned that after a single day’s experience of the outside world a man could easily live a hundred years in prison.” —Albert Camus
  • “Humanity suffers because most of us are living in our prison of fixed, false beliefs and we don’t want to get out of it.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “We build walls to protect ourselves from the hurt and pain. But someday you will realize that you are alone, in your own prison.” —S.C. Rhyne
  • “It is very difficult to break free from the prison of conformity and fixed false beliefs without changing our level of consciousness and awareness.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Our prayers can go where we cannot … there are no borders, no prison walls, no doors that are closed to us when we pray.” —Brother Andrew
  • “So why don’t you try to see the abundance in your life? Because, if you haven’t noticed, you’ve got many things to thank for. Just look around.” —Lidiya K.
  • “Barefoot, exhausted and bloody, Harris Borden turned and left the underground prison that had been his home for the past twelve years and walked out into the Nevada desert.” —Glen Robinson
  • “It’s said that there’s three sides to a story: yours, mine, and the truth. Check out God in Wingtip Shoes and The Prison Plumb Line to explore all three.” —Yvonne J. Medley
  • “It’s maybe impossible to escape (your own head), but I guess the secret is the prison cell just gets bigger and bigger and bigger and prettier and prettier and prettier.” —David Lynch
  • “A society becomes a breeding ground of violence and terrorism when it closes its door to new ideas and forces the citizens to live in the prison of conforming thoughts.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “That somehow dreams are a blurred line between here and there, like a meeting room in a prison. You’re both in the same room, yet on different sides and really, in different worlds.” —Cecelia Ahern
  • “The whole value of solitude depends upon oneself; it may be a sanctuary or a prison, a haven of repose or a place of punishment, a heaven or a hell, as we ourselves make it.” —John Lubbock
  • “We are prisoners of our thoughts. We like to imprison everyone in the same prison and think that it will solve the problems of humanity. Yet everyone is unique; let them live freely and with harmony.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Just as I watch him sit on a beach, on the trembling verge of walking out of his prison, so I watch all of us with the same hopes and dreams. I am always here. I am love.
  • “It’s nice to have a station pet. Wish it wasn’t trapped in a hovering prison in the men’s bathroom, but listen: no pet is perfect. It becomes perfect when you learn to accept it for what it is.” —Cecil Baldwin
  • “Most of us are living in a prison of our fixed, false beliefs and never try to find the door to get out to see and feel the beauty of life, even when the door is wide open and welcoming.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “You may need to forgive yourself for something in your past. God has already forgiven you if you’ve confessed & asked for His forgiveness. It’s harder to forgive yourself, isn’t it? You’ve been locked in this prison of anger & bitterness far too long.” —Beth Barnhart
  • “You can be locked away in prison and be free if your mind is not a prison. Or you can be walking around with lots of credit cards and be in a prison, the prison of your own mind, the prison of your illusions.” —Frederick Lenz
  • “Kenny rested his hand on my leg, patting it delicately. His thoughts staying just that, thoughts, as we drove in silence, back to my prison of paradise, back to the one place I knew I could be happy, yet miserable, all in the same day.” —Holly Hood
  • “They say ‘stone walls do not a prison make nor iron bars a cage’. It was a quotation I knew as a boy. I had made it my own back then. I knew they couldn’t capture my mind. Whilst I could still think, I was free.” —Denis Avey
  • “After all, the bible was always talking about miracles. I figured that if Daniel could get out of the lion’s den alive and Jonah could come up unharmed from the belly of a whale, then surely ole T.J. could get out of going to prison.” —Mildred D. Taylor
  • “But what should we do when the highborn and wealthy take to crime? Indeed, if a poor man will spend a year in prison for stealing out of hunger, how high would the gallows need to be to hang the rich man who breaks the law out of greed?” —Terry Pratchett

Prison Break Quotes

  • “Faith is everything.” —Michael Scofield
  • “Trust no one in prison.” —Sara Tancredi
  • “Darwin wins inside these walls. Not Einstein, Darwin.” —C-Note
  • “Keep your friends close, your enemies closer…” —John Abruzzi
  • “We’re not breaking out of a Jamba Juice, gentlemen.” —Michael Burrows
  • “I kneel only to god. I don’t see him here.” —John Abruzzi
  • “When Michael takes on the world, the world always loses.” —Lincoln Burrows
  • “I read people, and you, my friend, are a coloring book.” —Gretchen
  • “You have the most dysfunctional idea of love I’ve ever seen.” —Veronica Donovan
  • “Wearing a cross is one thing, living by it is another.” —Michael Scofield
  • “Gotta problem with that? Feel free to drop in it mu suggestion box.” —Bellick
  • “Does not a warm handshake feel better than a cold… shank?” —John Abruzzi
  • “I don’t like getting attached to things if I know they won’t last.” —Sara Tancredi
  • “We are captives of our own identities, living in prisons of our own creation.” —Theodore Bagwell
  • “I’ve got news for you Michael. ‘Trust me’ mean absolutely nothing inside these walls.” —Sara Tancredi
  • “He may run this place during the day, but I run it during the night.” —Bellick
  • “Well, I guess that’s the difference between us. I’m willing to pay for my sins.” —Michael Scofield
  • “You show up and give me the one thing a man in my situation shouldn’t have… hope.” —Lincoln Burrows
  • “We’re getting good at pulling off the impossible. Hell, I cam back from the dead, right?” —Sara Tancredi
  • “Funny that you only call me when you need me. or maybe funny isn’t the right word.” —Paul Kellerman
  • “I came in here a man. Give me the strength to walk out of here a man.” —Lincoln Burrows
  • “Preparation can only take you so far. After that, you have to take a few leaps of faith.” —Michael Scofield
  • “I choose to have faith, because, without that, I have nothing… It’s the only thing that’s keeping me going.” —Michael Scofield
  • “I’ll take 5 minutes of a situation I can control, over 50 years of one I can’t any day.” —Michael Scofield
  • “Oh, you know… yeah, “I love you so much, I aint never knockin’ over a liquor store again” context.” —Fernando Sucre
  • “As a devoted student of your work and skills, I really look forward to the progress of your plan, Michael.” —Alex Mahon
  • “I want you to promise me that you’re gonna tell my child… that you’re gonna tell my child how much they’re loved every day.” —Michael Scofield
  • “I’m not asking you to love me. I already screwed up that chance a long time ago. I’m asking you to love yourself. You can still put the brakes on this thing.” –Lincoln Burrows
  • “You know, we spend so much of our lives not saying the things we want to say, the things we should say. We speak in code and we send little messages. So now, plainly, simply, I want to say that I love you both very much.” —Michael Scofield
  • “When I was a child, I couldn’t sleep at night because I thought there was a monster in the closet. But my brother told me there isn’t anything there but fear. And fear wasn’t real. He said it was not made of anything. It was just air, air. Not even that. He said you just have to face it. You just have to open that door, and the monster would disappear.” —Michael Scofield

Behind the Bars, Prison Quotes

  • “The most anxious man in a prison is the governor.” —George Bernard Shaw
  • “We are all serving a life sentence in the dungeon of the self.” —Cyril Connolly
  • “In prison, those things withheld from and denied to the prisoner become precisely what he wants most of all.” —Eldridge Cleaver
  • “Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.” —Henry David Thoreau
  • “He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered, though overcome; for he is still an enemy.” —Thomas Hobbes
  • “The prisoner is not the one who has committed a crime, but the one who clings to his crime and lives it over and over.” —Henry Miller
  • “Prison continues, on those who are entrusted to it, a work begun elsewhere, which the whole of society pursues on each individual through innumerable mechanisms of discipline.” —Michel Foucault
  • “There is a close relationship between flowers and convicts. The fragility and delicacy of the former are of the same nature as the brutal insensitivity of the latter.” —Jean Genet
  • “We who live in prison, and in whose lives there is no event but sorrow, have to measure time by throbs of pain, and the record of bitter moments.” —Oscar Wilde
  • “A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that’s unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push.” —Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • “Anyone who has been to an English public school will always feel comparatively at home in prison. It is the people brought up in the gay intimacy of the slums who find prison so soul-destroying.” —Evelyn Waugh
  • “To assert in any case that a man must be absolutely cut off from society because he is absolutely evil amounts to saying that society is absolutely good, and no-one in his right mind will believe this today.” —Albert Camus
  • “I know not whether Laws be right or whether Laws be wrong; all that we know who live in gaol is that the wall is strong; and that each day is like a year, a year whose days are long.” —Oscar Wilde
  • “We are all conceived in close prison; in our mothers’ wombs, we are close prisoners all; when we are born, we are born but to the liberty of the house; prisoners still, though within larger walls; and then all our life is but a going out to the place of execution, to death.” —John Donne
  • “Such is the remorseless progression of human society, shedding lives and souls as it goes on its way. It is an ocean into which men sink who have been cast out by the law and consigned, with help most cruelly withheld, to moral death. The sea is the pitiless social darkness into which the penal system casts those it has condemned, an unfathomable waste of misery. The human soul, lost in those depths, may become a corpse. Who shall revive it?” —Victor Hugo
  • “In jail a man has no personality. He is a minor disposal problem and a few entries on reports. Nobody cares who loves or hates him, what he looks like, what he did with his life. Nobody reacts to him unless he gives trouble. Nobody abuses him. All that is asked of him is that he go quietly to the right cell and remain quiet when he gets there. There is nothing to fight against, nothing to be mad at. The jailers are quiet men without animosity or sadism. All this stuff you read about men yelling and screaming, beating against the bars, running spoons along them, guards rushing in with clubs — all that is for the big house. A good jail is one of the quietest places in the world. Life in jail is in suspension.” —Raymond Chandler

Love Prison Quotes

  • “Life without love is the worst prison of all.” —Pierce Brown
  • “I am now going from a prison to a palace: I have finished my work, and am now going to receive my wages.” —Christopher Love
  • “I was nothing more to him than a prison sentence, trapping him inside my walls and persecuting him for a crime he was tricked into committing.” —Nikki Kelly
  • “We had a genuine love for each other, and we loved being around each other, and in the gang was where I felt love. Troit Lynes, former death row inmate of Her Majesty Prison.” —Drexel Deal
  • “Nature with her wonders blinds and binds one still. There is no escape. I love her utterly through all time and times. All over the world towns to me are prison; green fields are home.” —Marion Dudley Cran
  • “The handwriting in the letter is the neatest I’ve ever seen. It looks like an old-fashioned love letter or something, every loop perfectly formed. I guess you have a lot of time to practice penmanship in prison.” —Roan Parrish
  • “Art led the way for me to recover. He got out of prison before me and started traveling all over the world before I did. He showed me by example that it could be done, and I’ll always love him for that.” —Frank Morgan
  • “His love became a prison from which he longed to escape, but he had not the strength merely to open the door-that was all it needed-and walk out into the open air. It was torture and at last he became numb and hopeless.” —W. Somerset Maugham
  • “My fate is a prison. It’s the only one of us who didn’t need to inhabit one. I took your responsibility for those souls for you, even though their deaths are your fault. You should be forced to feel what it’s like for someone to be imprisoned.” —Martha Brockenbrough
  • “But a chair, sunlight, flowers: these are not to be dismissed. I am alive, I live, I breathe, I put my hand out, unfolded, into the sunlight. Where I am is not a prison but a privilege, as Aunt Lydia said, who was in love with either/or.” —Margaret Atwood

Mental Prison Quotes

  • “Most haters are stuck in a poisonous mental prison of jealousy and self-doubt that blinds them to their own potentiality.” —Steve Maraboli
  • “People with mental illnesses are dying on our streets. More than 350,000 are in jails and prisons. Most are people whose only real crime is they got sick.” —Pete Earley
  • “If you meditate regularly, even when you don’t feel like it, you will make great gains, for it will allow you to see how your thoughts impose limits on you. Your resistances to meditation are your mental prisons in miniature.” —Ram Dass
  • “People always think about what prison is. What prison really is – it’s not a physical challenge, it’s mental.” —Hill Harper
  • “One does not expect to be comfortable in prison. As a matter of fact, one’s mental suffering is so much greater than any common physical distress that the latter is almost forgotten.” —Emmeline Pankhurst
  • “Nobody wants to get locked up, although ‘locked up’ is a matter of perspective. There can be people who are out who are in prison mentally and emotionally and worse off than those who are behind bars.” —Wesley Snipes
  • “I wanted to go into prison and come out a better person – mentally, physically. So, I read a lot of books, got my GED while I was in there, and worked out every day. Strong body, strong mind.” —Ja Rule
  • “Studies have shown that inmate participation in education, vocational and job training, prison work skills development, drug abuse, mental health and other treatment programs, all reduce recidivism, significantly.” —Bobby Scott

Inspirational Bible Quotes for Someone In Prison

  • “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.” —PSALM 68:5-6
  • “The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people.” —PSALM 69:33
  • “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.” —ISAIAH 61:1-3
  • “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
  • “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
  • “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’“ —MATTHEW 25:34-40
  • “Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” —MARK 2:17
  • “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh.” —ROMANS 8:1-3
  • “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
  • “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.” —ROMANS 12:10-16
  • “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” —HEBREWS 10:24-25
  • “Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” —HEBREWS 13:1-3
  • “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” —JAMES 1:27

Quotes about Prison Reform

  • “Society has used the juvenile courts to create a caste system where there are throw-away people.” —James Bell
  • “The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” —Stephen Biko
  • “It is morally repugnant and a national tragedy that we have privatized prisons all over America.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • “We must demilitarize police departments and end minimum sentencing. These are real issues that need to be dealt with.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • “We need to end, once and for all, the disgraceful practice of corporations profiting from the incarceration of Americans.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • “It makes no sense to me that the United States of America has more jails and prisons than colleges and universities.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • “If you want to address racial disparity in the juvenile justice system, everybody has to have a role in it. Everybody has some responsibility.” —James Bell
  • “Together we must challenge individuals, communities, cities, counties, regions, states, and the nation to be accountable for the outcomes of the justice systems at every level of government.” —James Bell
  • “Torture is banned but in two-thirds of the world’s countries it is still being committed in secret. Too many governments still allow wrongful imprisonment, murder or “disappearance” to be carried out by their officials with impunity.” —Peter Benenson
  • “Open your newspaper – any day of the week – and you will find a report from somewhere in the world of someone being imprisoned, tortured or executed because his opinions or religion are unacceptable to his government.” —Peter Benenson
  • “The candle burns not for us, but for all those whom we failed to rescue from prison, who were shot on the way to prison, who were tortured, who were kidnapped, who “disappeared”. That’s what the candle is for.” —Peter Benenson
  • “Overall, we need bold change in our criminal justice system. A good first step forward is to start treating prisoners as human beings, not profiting from their incarceration. Our emphasis must be on rehabilitation, not incarceration and longer prison sentences.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • “For people who have committed crimes that have landed them in jail, there needs to be a path back from prison. The federal system of parole needs to be reinstated. We need real education and real skills training for the incarcerated.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • They are torturing people. They are torturing people on Guantanamo Bay. They are engaging in acts which amount to torture in the medieval sense of the phrase. They are engaging in good old-fashioned torture, as people would have understood it in the Dark Ages.” —Richard Bourke
  • “We’ve entered a disturbing period that promotes a retributionist, punitive attitude toward people in our society who haven’t ‘made it,’ who are underdogs, who don’t have the financial means that other people have, and who may have disabilities like mental illness and addictions to deal with.” —Ellen Barry
  • “The line that connects the bombing of civilian populations to the mountain removed by strip mining … to the tortured prisoner seems to run pretty straight. We’re living, it seems, in the culmination of a long warfare — warfare against human beings, other creatures and the Earth itself.” —Wendell Berry
  • “It is morally repugnant and a national tragedy that we have privatized prisons all over America. In my view, corporations should not be allowed to make a profit by building more jails and keeping more Americans behind bars. We have got to end the private-for-private racket in America.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • “Our job is to make police departments look like the communities they serve. Our job is to make sure non-violent offenders do not get locked up. Our job is to rethink the war on drugs. Our job is to demilitarize police departments. Our job is to end mandatory minimum sentences.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • “Once the concentration camps and the hell-holes of the world were in darkness. Now they are lit by the light of the Amnesty candle; the candle in barbed wire. When I first lit the Amnesty candle, I had in mind the old Chinese proverb: ‘Better light a candle than curse the darkness.’“ —Peter Benenson
  • “Our justice system is one of the few unaccountable systems in the country. It doesn’t make decisions based on best practices…or in the best interest of the young people and families involved. As a result, there is a 70 percent recidivism rate. The decision makers can administer this misery and not take any responsibility for the outcome.” —James Bell
  • “I think there’s something to be optimistic about because I believe that many people throughout the country and world are starting to realize that we’ve made some deep, deep mistakes in terms of building prisons to the detriment and exclusion of building up our educational systems. Developing punitive programs for teens instead of focusing on programs that will really benefit and advantage our children.” —Ellen Barry
  • “There is a multi-headed, multi-tentacled monster out there devouring blacks who live in certain neighborhoods. Incarceration is just one aspect of this menace, but it is an overwhelmingly damaging aspect. Our job, in working to achieve fairness and equity, is to sound the alarm about the unjust criminal justice system and demand that our leaders and those in power act now to halt this destructive, unfair treatment of our brothers and sisters, especially of our children.” —James Bell
  • “We live in a country that is addicted to incarceration as a tool for social control. As it stands now justice systems are extremely expensive, do not rehabilitate but in fact make the people that experience them worse and have no evidence based correlatives to reducing crime. Yet with that track record they “continue to thrive, prosper and are seen as an appropriate response to children in trouble with the law. Only an addict would see that as an okay result.” —James Bell
  • I believe that we are at the point now, in the United States, where a movement is beginning to emerge. I think that the calamity, the quagmire of the Iraq war, the outsourcing of jobs, the drop-out of young people from the education system, the monstrous growth of the prison-industrial complex, the planetary emergency, which we are engulfed at the present moment, is demanding that instead of just complaining about these things, instead of just protesting about these things, we begin to look for, and hope for, another way of living. And I think that– that’s where the movement– I– I see a movement beginning to emerge, ’cause I see hope beginning to trump despair.” —Grace Lee Boggs

Quotes about Prison Rehabilitation

  • “Selfish people are in a way terribly capable of great loves.” —F Scott Fitzgerald
  • “I think in Mrs. C, I certainly played myself. A very compulsive, sweet person.” —Marion Ross
  • “Songwriting is like … being possessed. You try to go to sleep but the song won’t let you.” —John Lennon
  • “Generally speaking, punishment makes men hard and cold; it concentrates; it sharpens the feeling of alienation; it strengthens the power of resistance.” —Friedrich Nietzsche
  • “I have slightly less than 60 miles to go, and I’m going slightly faster than 60 miles per hour. I should arrive in a bad mood.” —Jarod Kintz
  • “Because, Mr.. Katagiri, Tokyo can only be saved by a person like you. And it’s for people like you that I am trying to save Tokyo.” —Haruki Murakami
  • “If you have something you do that’s unique, you just end up in situations. Your art can take you to places without you working too hard to force something to happen.” —Reggie Watts
  • “We call our system the Department of Corrections, or simply Corrections, but correcting or any notion of rehabilitation has been largely thrown to the wayside in favor of punitive action through the revocation of selfhood.” —Erika Camplin
  • “But the point of using the number was to show that sex was a great part of my life as basketball was a great part of my life. That’s the reason why I was single.” —Wilt Chamberlain
  • “And as long as we believe what we believe-until that is questioned-there’s no progress as a human race. Again, we still have war. So, effective rehabilitation is to question what we believe. When that happens, everyone gets out of prison.” —Byron Katie
  • “I know what it’s like to be ignored, and I think that is the big problem about the prison system: These people are being thrown away. There is no sense of rehabilitation. In some places, they are trying to do things. But, in most cases, it’s a holding cell.” —Lee Tergesen
  • “In the very progress of society, the prison has in the very nature of things undergone some improvement, but there are vast stretches yet to be covered before the prison becomes, if it ever does, an institution for the reclamation and rehabilitation of erring and unfortunate men and women.” —Eugene V. Debs
  • “It ends up with everybody at this long dinner table laughing their asses off because the great Dane comes in with a bunch of puppies. Everybody thought it was a male, I suppose, or some goddam thing. All I can say is, don’t see it if you don’t want to puke all over yourself.” —J.D. Salinger

Prison Quotes for Wife

  • “Women are so unwise. Love is like a bird’s song beautiful and eloquent when heard in forest freedom, harsh and worthless in repetition when sung from behind prison bars.”
  • “You cannot secure love by vigilance, by environment, by captivity. What use is it to keep the person of a man beside you if his soul be truant from you?” —Ouida
  • “The American appetite for loneliness impressed me, and there was something about this solitude that freed conversation. One night at a bar, I met a man, and within five minutes he explained that he had just been released from prison. Another drinker told me that his wife had passed away, and he had recently suffered a heart attack, and now he hoped that he would die within the year. I learned that there’s no reliable small talk in America; at any moment a conversation can become personal.” —Peter Hessler
  • “Under the previous regime of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, I was detained. So was my wife, Serkalem Fasil. She gave birth to our son in prison in 2005.” —Eskinder Nega
  • “I was separated from my wife at the time. A lot of people think I wrote it about prison.” —Freddy Fender
  • “If one Egyptian tailor hadn’t cheated on the threads of Joseph’s mantle, Potiphar’s wife would never have been able to tear it, present it as evidence to Potiphar that Joseph attacked her, gotten him thrown in prison, and let him be in a position to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, win his confidence, advise him to store seven years of grain, and save his family, the seventy original Jews from whom Jesus came. We owe our salvation to a cheap Egyptian tailor.” —Peter Kreeft
  • “I think for Beecher specifically, Keller was with him when his wife died. Beecher had decided after he first got into prison that he had to shut off everybody. You can’t let anybody in and you have to become like them and you have to be threatening and all that.” —Lee Tergesen
  • “Would there be that subtle one-upmanship like there was between mothers? “It’s so stressful having a gifted child.” What would be the equivalent for a prison wife? “It’s such a strain when your husband is a model prisoner! The others are constantly beating him up!” —Liane Moriarty
  • “Claire was the light to his dark and the right to his wrong. With her beside him, he wanted to forget everything he’d learned in prison, to forget why he was bad for her. He wanted his wife.” —Aleatha Romig
  • “When a wife wouldn’t testify, little punishment was meted out. Alex came to understand that only those who pressed charges ever became truly free, because the life they were leading was a prison, even if most of them wouldn’t admit it.” —Nicholas. Sparks
  • “I was..sorry that you had been in prison camp..”
  • “A reassuring sentiment, coming from my wife. Anything else?” —Lisa Kleypas
  • “A primatologist told me you can find love in the eyes of an orangutan. It’s that old primate gleam that goes back thousands of years and can penetrate the deepest gloom of the jungle. Nothing can deter that gleam, which is why we primates have survived for so long to meet and procreate. In prison, the survival of romance is not easy, but it finds a way … In Canada, there has been a succession of romances between prisoners and female guards, nurses, librarians, and one Catholic nun who married the convict after he divorced his wife.” —Shawn Thompson
  • “Nobody is free … Everyone has a prison. Wife, parents, children, they all make prisons.” —Ted Simon
  • “Two weeks after the arrested I was on the phone with my wife and we said a prayer and I was crying and just so happy, I can’t even explain it. It was euphoric. People said I went from freedom my whole life to prison, but in reality, I went from imprisonment and bondage of sin and death my whole life, to finding freedom in a prison cell.” —Christian Hosoi
  • “Good evening. A President who lied us into a war and, in so doing, needlessly killed 3,584 of our family and friends and neighbors; a President whose administration initially tried to destroy the first man to nail that lie; a President whose henchmen then ruined the career of the intelligence asset that was his wife when intelligence assets were never more essential to the viability of the Republic; a President like that has tonight freed from the prospect of prison the only man ever to come to trial for one of the component felonies in what may be the greatest crime of this young century.” —Keith Olbermann
  • “The first thing I did when I was forty years old, I put handcuffs on and I jumped off Alcatraz prison and swam to San Francisco handcuffed. That made national publicity. Then, there were three or four years where I would do more difficult feats. Another birthday I towed a thousand pound boat across the Golden Gate. On my 65th Birthday I towed 65 boats a mile and a half in Tokyo. On my 70th Birthday I towed 70 boats with 70 people in it with my feet and hands tied a mile and a half in Long Beach … My next Birthday I will be 93. I’m gonna tow my wife across the bathtub.” —Jack LaLanne
  • “Why am I running for president? Well, my wife, Cindy, says it is because I sustainedseveral severe blows to the head in prison camp.” —John McCain

Love Forever Poem To Husband In Prison

“I see you in my thoughts and dreams.
When I awake, how real it seems.
You aren’t here to comfort me,
But soon I hope you will be.”

“No one truly knows or understands;
You have my heart in your hands.
My love is what you truly own.
Come soon and make our house a home.”

“Inside those walls you are doing your time,
Not being here with me is your only true crime.
Others in your life will come and go,
But my love is true, and I’m sure you know.”

“I may not be rich or the prettiest one,
But I love you so much; you are my sun.
You light up my life every time you call.
When the time is up, I begin to fall.”

“You are my stars, you are my moon,
Being with you will come very soon.
So when you sleep, take this to heart,
No one or nothing will keep us apart.”

Prison Quotes and Sayings

  • “Most prisons have wide gates.” —Katherine Cecil Thurston
  • “Prison is like high school with knives.” —Raegan Butcher
  • “Prisons do not disappear problems, they disappear human beings.” —Angela Davis
  • “Prisons are universities of crime, maintained by the state.” —Peter Kropotkin
  • “Prison is an expensive way of making bad people worse.” —Douglas Hurd
  • “It is in prison that one becomes a real revolutionary.” —Vladimir Lenin
  • “Going to prison is like dying with your eyes open.” —Bernard Kerik
  • “Prison is, simply put, the bottom rung of the welfare ladder.” —Stephen Reid
  • “Your mind is your prison when you focus on your fear.” —Tim Fargo
  • “Our prisons and our jails are now our mental health institutions.” —Hillary Clinton
  • “Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul.” —Henry Van Dyke
  • “Cold walls do not a prison make, nor does iron band a bondsman.” —Scott Lynch
  • “Building prisons to fight crime is like building cemeteries to fight disease.” —Jack Levin
  • “Prisons are hate factories, Pastor, and society wants more and more of them.” —John Grisham
  • “The prison life of the past looks in our own time like liberation itself.” —Christopher Lasch
  • “A prison is a cross section of society in which every human strain is clearly revealed.
  • “In prison, ones worst enemies will always be the brothers of one’s own race.” —John Greschner
  • “Prison experience puts distance between me and any person who hasn’t been there, done that.” —Patricia McConnell
  • “Prison is a socialist paradise where equality prevails, everything is supplied, and competition is eliminated.” —Elbert Hubbard
  • “Prison is a recruitment center for the army of crime. That is what it achieves.” —Michel Foucault
  • “Prison make you a better judge of character. You pick up on people much faster.” —Suge Knight
  • “Depression is a prison where you are both the suffering prisoner and the cruel jailer.” —Dorothy Rowe
  • “For the whole world, without a native home, Is nothing but a prison of larger room.” —Abraham Cowley
  • “Even behind prison walls I can see the heavy clouds and the blue sky over the horizon.” —Nelson Mandela
  • “Depression is a prison to which you have the key except you never think to look for it.” —Kevin Hearne
  • “Prison walls are meant not only to keep convicts in, but to keep the would be investigator out.” —Jessica Mitford
  • “Prison’s not a nice place to be. Those people are not in there for singing in the choir.” —Larry Todd
  • “In prison, those things withheld from and denied to the prisoner become precisely what he wants most of all.” —Eldridge Cleaver
  • “To live in prison is to live without mirrors. To live without mirrors is to live without the self.” —Margaret Atwood
  • “All during that prison time I really lived by prayer. Be in prayer always, we’re told, and back then I was.
  • “To be in prison so long, it’s difficult to remember exactly what you did to get there.” — Jack Henry Abbott
  • “The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.” —Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • “Prison always has been a good place for writers, killing, as it does, the twin demons of mobility and diversion.” —Dan Simmons
  • “Being in prison for seven years was like being in an army that never drilled, never deployed, and only fought itself.” —Raegan Butcher
  • “Prison is the only form of public housing that the government has truly invested in over the past 5 decades.” —Marc Lamont Hill
  • “Prison is essentially a shortage of space made up for by a surplus of time; to an inmate, both are palpable.” —Joseph Brodsky
  • “Prison itself is a tremendous education in the need for patience and perseverance. It is above all a test of one’s commitment.” —Nelson Mandela
  • “A prison does not only lock its inmates inside, it keeps all others out. Her strongest prison is of her own construction.” —Margaret Atwood
  • “That is how prison is tearing me up inside. It hurts every day. Every day takes me further from my life.” —Jack Henry Abbott
  • “Prison has taught me that there is a part of you that no one can ever take from you, and that is your heart.” —Babar Ahmad
  • “Prison has a universal fascination. It’s a real life horror story because, given the right set of circumstances, anyone could find themselves behind bars.” —Wentworth Miller
  • “The prisoner is not the one who has committed a crime, but the one who clings to his crime and lives it over and over.” —Henry Miller
  • “If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking is freedom.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • “The primary obligation of any prisoner is to escape. Whether that means actually leaving or simply figuring out a way to handle things so you don’t go crazy is up to you.
  • “In prison you’ve got all kinds of people. People beating up people for their commissary, people beating up people for their tennis shoes. You’ve got people sodomizing people, you know, just rambunctious.” —Julius Lockett
  • “Prison is a second by second assault on the soul, a day to day degradation of the self, an oppressive steel and brick umbrella that transforms seconds into hours and hours into days.” —Mumia Abu-Jamal
  • “We are all so guilty at the way we have allowed the world around us to become more ugly and tasteless every year that we surrender to terror and steep ourselves in it.” —Norman Mailer
  • “Prisons of stone and iron may hold the body for long and painful years in darkness, but they cannot shut out the light of truth from the truth loving soul; they cannot destroy the peace of the dutiful spirit.” —Hubbard Winslow
  • “How come life in prison doesn’t mean life? Until it does, we’re not ready to do away with the death penalty. Stop thinking in terms of punishment for a minute and think in terms of safeguarding innocent people from incorrigible murderers.” —Jesse Ventura