190 Secret Love Quotes & Sayings about Secret Love for Lovers

Best Secret Love Quotes

  • “It’s the connection we can’t explain.”
  • “I believe we secretly love each other.”
  • “And suddenly all the love songs were about you.”
  • “If you smile, every time his name pops up on your screen, you’re in love.”
  • “A million feelings, a thousand thoughts, a hundred memories, everything because of one person you love.”
  • “You may and never will know it, but I love you with all my heart, inside and out.”
  • “You are the reason I wake up with a smile every morning. You are the secret to my peaceful nights.”
  • “If it’s not making you better, it isn’t love. True love makes you more of who you are, not less.” ―Mandy Hale
  • “A kiss is a secret told to the mouth instead of the ear; kisses are the messengers of love and tenderness.” ―Ingrid Bergman
  • “You can’t stop the feelings you have for someone. You can’t lie to yourself either. Your heart knows the truth all too well.”
  • “Being secretly in love with someone is the hardest feeling. You get hurt, you get jealous, you cry and you get broken…but the saddest part is he/she doesn’t know about it.”
  • “I spent my days waiting for you, searching the crowds for your face. I stopped breathing the moment you recognized me, as you captured my soul with your gaze.” ―Christy A. Martine

Famous Quotes about Secret Love

  • “The extreme form of passionate love is secret love.” ―Japanese Proverb
  • “I pretend to look around, but i was actually looking at you.” ―Unknown
  • “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ―Maya Angelou
  • “Love ceases to be a pleasure, when it ceases to be a secret.” ―Aphra Behn
  • “Just because we don’t say certain things, doesn’t mean we don’t feel them.” ―Dawson’S Creek
  • “I love you with all my life, but it’s not like you will ever know.” ―Amber Hope
  • “If you love someone, tell them. For hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.” ―Stephanie Roogle
  • “There are worse things than a broken heart. Like the love that you don’t explore.” ―Dawson’S Creek
  • “I have so much that I want to say to you, but I can’t say a word.” ―Michelle Burns
  • “I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.” ―Pablo Neruda
  • “To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.” ―Federico Garcia Lorca
  • “But my deepest and most secret love belongs to the fair-haired and the blue-eyed, the bright children of life, the happy, the charming and the ordinary.”
  • “There is a name hidden in the shadow of my soul, where I read it night and day and no other eye sees it.” ―Alphonse De Lamartine
  • “Love never grows when its secretly kept locked in our hearts. Love will only find its fulfillment when it finds its way out and dwells in the heart of that person destined to keep it.” ―Unknown
  • “In the bottom of my heart lies a secret which I have never told a soul in the world. There is an image of this person who is dearest to me and closer than anything else.” ―Melanie Rock
  • “It’s hard to go on living while loving someone secretly, it hurts to see the one you love so happy with someone else, but the most painful thing about hiding love is that it never fades away.” ―Unknown
  • “There is no secret left in the fact that I am madly in love with you. My happiness glows on my face and my smile gives it away. I have tried hard but now I can’t do that anymore.” ―Sheila Johns
  • “What if the person you secretly love tells you he already found the one he could spend forever with would you be brave enough to ask who she is? Or bear the pain inside not knowing it was you after all?” ―Unknown
  • “I hid my love in field and town till een the breeze would knock me down, the bees seemed singing ballads oer, the fly’s bass turned a lion’s roar; and even silence found a tongue, To haunt me all the summer long; The riddle nature could not prove Was nothing else but secret love.” ―John Clare
  • “A secret love is beautiful, sweet and sacred when it’s just a light infatuation; but when that person reaches over and touches you in the heart, making it alive in a way it has never known, that secret love becomes frightening, because you can never make them love you, you would never want to make them love you…but all the same, no matter which way you view it, they don’t love you…and your heart doesn’t know how to beat the same.” ―Stefanie Schneider
  • “I have so much that I want to say to you, but I can’t say a word.” ―“A secret love is beautiful, sweet and sacred when it’s just a light infatuation; but when that person reaches over and touches you in the heart, making it alive in a way it has never known, that secret love becomes frightening, because you can never make them love you, you would never want to make them love you…but all the same, no matter which way you view it, they don’t love you…and your heart doesn’t know how to beat the same.” ―Stefanie Schneider
  • “It’s a funny thing secret love. You would change yourself and your whole world just to be with them; just to hear them talk to you makes you feel as though you’re experiencing an epiphany. Just to see them look at you makes you feel as though every speck of what you are is valuable; and to watch them walk in the room, the ordinary, dark boring room and watch it change when they walk in as if they carry a piece of the sun itself in their being, as if now that they’ve arrived the whole world will be okay again. As if having them near would be the nearest thing to heaven you’ve ever known. But they don’t love you and they walk on by each time with a smile, a nod and vanish away from your hungry sight.” ―Stephanie Schneider

Love Quotes About Secret Lovers

  • “If two past lovers can remain friends, either they never were in love or they still are.”
  • “A secret love is beautiful at first. It gives you all the sparks when you see your lover, and it keeps your life interesting. But after some time, it gets painful. Everything reminds you of him, and the worst thing is, you cannot express it.”
  • “How flippantly we all treat a secret love, like a joke, something cute, as if it’s just a sweet little thing to pat. But when we are the secret lover, we hold our breath with each word they speak, we long so desperately for their touch, even just brief, we could almost bleed we long for it so. And when they find a lover, we feel like a shadow, longing to be seen as real, until we finally learn we have nothing more to do than to fade away from their light.”

Secret Love Quotes for Crush

  • “You are my secret crush..”
  • “He is my secret. My beautiful little secret.”
  • “It’s nice to have a crush on someone. It feels like you’re alive!”
  • “Please don’t doubt my love for you, it’s the only thing I’m sure of.”
  • “I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead.”
  • “You are my crush, and that crushes my heart every single time I think of you.”
  • “The secret of love is seeking variety in your life together and never letting routine chords dull the melody of your romance.”
  • “When you have a crush on someone, you notice every single detail about them, no matter how small and when they do something for you, you feel so touched, no matter how simple it was.”
  • “I can’t wait to see you again, even if just for a few moments… my heart skips a beat and I get a silly smile that takes over my face… maybe some day you will feel the same way too…” ―Karen Kostyla
  • “I love my crush. He is not handsome. He is not popular among friends. He doesn’t do well in sports and doesn’t sing well. He is just a normal guy who is not outstanding. He is just a plain guy who girls don’t really care. And if you ask me why I love him, I would love to say that… I don’t have reasons to love, I just love.”

Quotes about Secret Love Relationships

  • “A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one.”
  • “Relationship is the rainbow between two hearts sharing seven colors of feelings, love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, secret and respect.”
  • “A relationship built in secret and lies will never survive a long time.”
  • “A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything any everything. No secrets and no lies.”
  • “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.” ―Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

Secret Love Affair Quotes For Him

  • “He wanted her. She’d never tell. Secretly she wanted him as well.” ―Avril Lavigne
  • “She never told him she missed him. She will never tell him she loves him. The End.
  • “I want him to see the flowers in my eyes and hear the songs in my hands.
  • “It’s sad to be secretly in love with someone and everyone knows about it except for him or her.
  • “She never told him that she wanted him and now it kills her to see him with someone else.
  • “I want him to see the flowers in my eyes and hear the songs in my hands.” ―Francesca Lia Block
  • “Hate to admit how much I love him so I pretended I didn’t care and it breaks his heart, and mine too.
  • “She never told him that she was in love with him because he was a beast and he will eat her alive.
  • “Secret love can cause pain sometimes. Seeing a person you love every day and not able to express your love to him/her is painful. Following are some quotes about secret love.
  • “He compared her to the moon. She compared him to the sun. But they could never touch, so the stars and clouds whispered, passing along their messages and the ocean was their witness.
  • “To him, I’m just another girl. Sitting in class with my head on my desk. To me, he’s that guy. With that smile, those eyes, that laugh, and the boy I can never have. But yet I still dream.
  • “Hiding your love for someone never works you know. It just makes you fall for him even more. Every time you see him, you realize that you are doomed. But you keep hiding it, just because it is easier.
  • “Secret love can slowly kill you. It can consume your spark, and snatch your happiness. Do not let it do that, be brave and tell him that you love him. Regret will always stay with you, but pain of rejection will fade away with time.
  • “I am tired of hiding my love for you, but the truth is, it does not matter to you anyway. I can never make you love me, because someone else has your heart, and I cannot steal it from him, because seeing you happy makes me want to forget about you, but then again, that is something I cannot do.

Quotes about Secret Love Affair

  • “You & I will always be unfinished business.”
  • “I wonder if it’s possible to have a love affair that lasts forever.” ―Andy Warhol
  • “There is nothing better for the spirit or the body than a love affair. It elevates the thoughts and flattens the stomachs.” ―Barbara Howar
  • “He compared her to the moon. She compared him to the sun. But they could never touch, so the stars and clouds whispered, passing along their messages and the ocean was their witness.”

My Secret Love Quotes

  • “He is my secret. My beautiful little secret.”
  • “I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead.”
  • “If someone would know my secret love, he will know how much pain I kept inside all these years.”
  • “Now, if you want to know my secret love, it is to be able to serve as an example.” ―Johnnetta B. Cole
  • “My best friend asked me about my secret love and it killed me to know that he isn’t aware it was him.”
  • “I want to tell you how much I feel but you don’t seem to care so I just kept my secret love inside.”
  • “My secret love for you is not a secret because I am a coward, it is a secret because your love is not me, it is a secret because your love is someone else.”

You Are My Secret Love Quotes

  • “You are my secret crush…”
  • “You are my crush, and that crushes my heart every single time I think of you.”
  • “You are my secret, and I am happy that you are at least something of mine.”
  • “You are my beautiful secret, and I hope someday you realize it, because I do not have the courage to admit it just now, I am scared that I would lose you.”
  • “You are my everything. You are my first thought in the morning and the last one in the night, you are the only person I want to be with, you the reason why I breath. But, you are the reason why I cannot love anyone, you are the reason why I am alone in the crowd, and you are the reason why I cannot love anyone else, and you are the reason why you do not know any of that.”
  • “I love you, and the reason why you will never know about it is the fear of your rejection. I want you at any cost. Right now, I have you, you are my best friend, and losing you is not acceptable at any cost.”

Sad Quotes About Secret Love Relationships

  • “It’s sad to see women settle for unrequited love, struggling in darkness and despair.”
  • “The sad thing about secret love is that you suffer alone once it’s over.”
  • “It’s always sad to see women fall for the wrong guy who just wants to take advantage of them and keep them in secret.”
  • “It’s sad to know that I love you so much but I wouldn’t let you know. Once you know, you won’t allow me to love you.”
  • “Being secretly in love with someone is the hardest feeling. You get hurt, you get jealous, you cry and you get broken…but the saddest part is he/she doesn’t know about it.”
  • “One sweet, sad secret holds my heart in thrall; a mighty love within my breast has grown, Unseen, unspoken, and of no one known; And of my sweet, who gave it, least of all.” ―Felix Arvers
  • “I wish I could tell you how much I love you, I wish I could hold your hand in public, I wish I could be the one to comfort you when you are sad, I wish I could be the one to lay with you at night. But I am not that person, and that kills me every day.”

Quotes About Secret Love Feelings

  • “You can’t stop the feelings you have for someone. You can’t lie to yourself either. Your heart knows the truth all too well.”
  • “Being secretly in love with someone is the hardest feeling. You get hurt, you get jealous, you cry and you get broken…but the saddest part is he/she doesn’t know about it.”
  • “A million feelings, a thousand thoughts, a hundred memories, everything because of one person you love.”
  • “You like her, but she ignores you. It is not her fault you know, you are the one hiding your feelings, not her.”
  • “We’ve all at some point in our life encountered that feeling of secretly liking someone, secretly having your eyes on them, secretly wishing they knew, but deep inside you were afraid of what the outcome would be. So you kept it unnoticed. Kept it hidden, locked inside, just hoping that maybe one day that moment would finally come when they would notice you!.” ―Telisa McLaughlin
  • “I wonder if someone has feelings for me, just like I have feelings for someone. I wonder if they are afraid of telling me just like I am afraid of telling him about my feelings. I wonder if they are afraid to lose me, just like I am afraid to lose the one I secretly admire.”

Short Quotes about Secret Love

  • “How could you love someone lying in someone else’s arms?”
  • “I am in love with you but you will never know.”
  • “I cannot be anyone’s dirty little secret anymore. That is destroying me.”
  • “How can I tell you I love you without you running away?”
  • “I wonder if it’s possible to have a love affair that lasts forever.”
  • “A love that has to be kept in secret is not love by itself.”
  • “Love is something that will kill the owner if left unreturned for long time.”
  • “I can never keep you with me but you kept me hidden in the dark.”
  • “You will know that someone is secretly in love if you have been there yourself.”
  • “Would you still love me if I tell her about us? Them, that’s not love.”
  • “Did it ever occur to you to think that you are not his only secret?”
  • “If I tell you how much I love you, would you rather stay with me?”
  • “I can never tell you that I love you because I am afraid you’ll run away.”
  • “My only dream is that someday, we could hold hands with each other in the park.”
  • “There’s a love that wasn’t explored. Then he decided to explore it and keep it in secret.”
  • “Do you really believe that he keeps you in secret and love you at the same time?”
  • “If you keep hiding your love, it will never fade away. Show love and reveal the secret.”
  • “It’s really painful when the one you love the most sees you as something or someone invisible.”
  • “I am trying to show you how much I love you but you don’t seem to notice.”
  • “It feels like I have been waiting forever for you to realize how much I love you.”
  • “It’s hard to know that you are settling for a love that will never be yours exclusively.”
  • “How could you tell me that you love me when you told me you cannot leave her?”
  • “If you truly love me like what you said, why are we hiding? Why are you with her?”
  • “Loving you while you are in love with someone else is the greatest torture I inflicted upon myself.”
  • “Don’t you ever tell me that you love me when you cannot tell a single soul about it.”
  • “It’s hard to have a secret love and have to cry silently about it because no one knew.”
  • “Is it my fault for loving someone who can never love me the way I wanted to be loved?”

Secret Love Quotes and Sayings

  • “The greatest torture to any woman is to settle for someone who will keep them hidden from the world.”
  • “Knowing that you are number two and you can never be number one is the toughest statement to digest.”
  • “I was secretly in love with someone. When he learned about it, it became our secret in the dark.”
  • “I want to hide with you and be your secret love. But that would kill me in the end.”
  • “Why do women fall for some guy who does not intend to marry her? That is just heart breaking.”
  • “It hurts to realize that your secret love knows about the way you feel for them but just ignores it.”
  • “He saw my eyes burning with desire so he took me into the darkness and keep me hidden from everyone.”
  • “It’s hard to be in love with someone in the secret and harder when the secret is revealed to everyone.”
  • “Realizing that you are keeping me a secret because you love her more make me feel so sorry about myself.”
  • “You are so selfish for keeping me beside you when you cannot live a day without her. Knowing that killed me.”
  • “I can no longer keep our love in secret because it became too strong that it wants to have an outlet.”
  • “I know that hiding your love is painful but more painful when you realize you were just being played and used.”
  • “Do you know the agony of keeping your love hidden hoping that one day he or she will realize it too?”
  • “Is it love or lust? You tell me you love me but you would just keep me hidden in the dark.”
  • “How can you tell me you love me when you would hate me if I tell anyone about our secret love?”
  • “How could you say you will do everything for me when you cannot even tell the world that such love exists?”
  • “I want to tell the world how much I love you but if I tell them, I would look like a fool.”
  • “If your love is a secret to all, then that will be no longer a love story once the secret is revealed.”
  • “How could you keep me hanging when you can’t let go of her? Why do you have to torture me this way?”
  • “I can no longer hide with you in the dark because I want the light to shine on me and be free.”
  • “Why do women believe in love that has to be taken in secret? You will only know love once the secret is revealed.”
  • “I love you when you are asleep. I love you when you are not looking. I love you while you are not knowing.”
  • “When you told me you were in love with someone, I secretly hoped it was me. Guess I could have managed my expectations.”
  • “If you cannot marry me and we have to keep our love secret, then why on earth that we have to stay together?”
  • “There is a name hidden in the shadow of my soul, where I read it night and day and no other eye sees it.”
  • “I’d rather break my own heart by not letting you know how much I love you, than telling you and let you break it.”
  • “Hiding in the dark, I realize that I am with someone I didn’t know and all he wanted is to keep me in the dark.”
  • “Loving someone in the dark is like a very exciting treat every after meal. You can live without it but it makes life more exciting.”
  • “You will feel great misery in loving someone secretly when you realize that it’s not love once the secret will be made known to everyone.”
  • “You will know that someone is just using you when you know that he can be happy with someone else while keeping you in secret.”
  • “How come you never realized that I love you back then? Did you not really even care? Or were you not trying to hurt me?”
  • “We take others’ love lightly when we know that they love us in secret until we know how it feels like once we experience it ourselves.”
  • “When you look at me in the eyes and we laugh together, it almost tears me apart not to tell you how much I love you.”
  • “It’s a great torture to oneself to kindle a secret love that will never be known. If he keeps you as a secret, it’s not love.”
  • “You will never be happy knowing that you are just his secret and you will never grow together because his heart already belongs to someone else.”
  • “I can never tell you how much I am suffering with our secret ove because I don’t want to be left alone here in the dark.”
  • “I can no longer love you in secret because my love for you has grown so deep that it kills me to see you with someone else.”
  • “I thought keeping me as a secret was the worse heart break I will ever experience, but it was when I knew you cannot let her go.”
  • “I spent my days waiting for you, searching the crowds for your face. I stopped breathing the moment you recognized me, as you captured my soul with your gaze.”
  • “Stop telling me how I make you feel because I now realize that you are hiding our love for one reason: you over her more than you love me.”
  • “Sometimes I breakdown and cry because I love you secretly. It was light and exciting at first but my love for you grew very strong that it’s killing me.”
  • “When you love someone secretly, the torture is when you have to be very careful with every words we speak and actions we do when in front of them.”
  • “I kept my love for you in secret because I was afraid of getting hurt, but you still broke my heart when you told me how much you loved her.”
  • “I am hiding my life not because it is something that is not accepted by many. I am afraid that it is something not accepted by the one I love.”
  • “I was ignoring your secret love for me because I don’t want to hurt you. I thought that pretending not to know will make it easier for you to let go.”
  • “I don’t think we need to make it complicated. If you love me, be with me. Let us not keep it secret. If you don’t want that, then that’s not love.”