200+ Youth Quotes and Sayings on Youth to Inspire Young Ones
Best Quotes about Youth
“’You’ll see,” Rose said.’ I shall live happily ever after.” ―Kate Morton
“The world’s biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.” ―Chanakya
“In the fountain of youth, love is the water and enthusiasm is the power.” ―Debasish Mridha
“My grandfather raised me believing in the power of youth to change the world.” ―Philippe Cousteau Jr.
“Rose sighed softly, in a way that seemed to signal a close to the conversation.” I love him, Mamma.”
“Youth is so insatiable of happiness, and has such sublimely insane faith in its own power to make happy and be happy!” ―Jane Welsh Carlyle
“Forgetful youth! But know, the Power above with ease can save each object of his love; Wide as his will extends his boundless grace.” ―Homer
“There comes a period of the imagination to each a later youth the power of beauty, the power of looks, of poetry.” ―Ralph Waldo Emerson
“One has to choose thrill of learning over earning. Knowledge before power, curious experience than money and safe family life. That’s spirit of my favorite youth.” ―Jay Vasavada
“Youth is the season of receptivity, and should be devoted to acquirement; and manhood of power that demands an earnest application. Old age is for revision.” ―Christian Nestell Bovee
“Adeline’s heart tightened with fear. Darling girl, blinded by foolish thoughts of love. How to tell her that the hearts of men were not so easily won. If won, rarely kept.
“There stand out in my life many incidents in my youth, of wonderful inspiration and power through men preaching the gospel in the spirit of testimony and prayer.” ―Heber J. Grant
Inspirational Youth Quotes
“Everyone you admire was once a beginner.” ―Jack Butcher
“A person can achieve everything by being simple and humble.” ―The Vedas
“You’re never going to be happy being anyone other than yourself.” ―Thibaut
“Life will never conform to all of our desires. Ever.” ―Mark Manson
“Do nothing for prestige or status or money or approval alone.” ―Maria Popova
“If you’re making mistakes it means you’re out there doing something.” ―Neil Gaiman
“When people try to tell you who you are, don’t believe them.” ―Maria Popova
“Beautiful people are not always good, but good people are always beautiful.” ―Imam Ali
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ―E. E. Cummings
“Ignore those who tell you which way to go without first understanding where you are.” ―James Pierce
“Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.” ―Sri Chinmoy
“If we are not regularly deeply embarrassed by who we are, the journey to self-knowledge hasn’t begun.” ―Alain de Botton
“Young people willing to push super hard to make something happen are among the most powerful forces in the world.” ―Sam Altman
“Don’t hope for a life without problems. There’s no such thing. Instead, hope for a life full of good problems.” ―Mark Manson
“Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” ―Stephen Hawking
Youth Quotes about Young Ones
“Preventing the conflicts of tomorrow means changing the mindset of youth today.” ―Graça Mache
“Time misspent in youth is sometimes all the freedom one ever has.” ―Anita Brookner
“Youth is certain what it rejects before it knows what it will accept.” ―Jean Cocteau
“The deepest definition of youth is life as yet untouched by tragedy.” ―Alfred North Whitehead
“It is better to be a young June-bug than an old bird of paradise.” ―Mark Twain
“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand, your sons and your daughters are beyond your command.” ―Bob Dylan
“If I have known much trouble in my youth, I have also known much joy.” ―Clara Schumann
“Youth is not a question of years: one is young or old from birth.” ―Natalie Clifford Barney
“Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.” ―Herbert Henry Asquith
“Who so neglects learning in his youth loses the past and is dead to the future.” ―Euripedes
“A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age.” ―William Shakespeare
“The young feel tired at the end of an action, the old at the beginning.” ―T. S. Eliot
“Youth is that period when a young boy knows everything but how to make a living.” ―Carey Williams
“I would so much like young people to have a sense of the gift that they are.” ―John Denver
“Youth, which is forgiven everything, forgives itself nothing: age, which forgives itself everything, is forgiven nothing.” ―George Bernard Shaw
“Don’t let young people tell you their aspirations; when they drop them they will drop you.” ―Logan Pearsall Smith
“It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who has lost it.” ―W. Somerset Maugham
“Youth, with swift feet, walks onward in the way; the land of joy lies all before his eyes.” ―Edward Bulwer-Lytton
“Youth is about the only thing worth having, and that is about the only thing youth has.” ―Edgar Watson Howe
“A youth with his first cigar makes himself sick; a youth with his first girl makes everybody sick.” ―Mary Little
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” ―Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Youth doesn’t reason, it acts. The old man reasons and would like to make the others act in his place.” ―Francis Picabia
“Don’t laugh at youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face after another to find his own.” ―Logan Pearsall Smith
“The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation.” ―Pearl S. Buck
“Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.” ―J.K Rowling
“In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience.” ―Oscar Wilde
“The good thing about being young is that you are not experienced enough to know you cannot possibly do the things you are doing.” ―Unknown
“Young people don’t always do what they’re told, but if they can pull it off and do something wonderful, sometimes they escape punishment.” ―Rick Riordan
“The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists the circulation of their blood.” ―Logan Pearsall Smith
“Youth is to all the glad season of life; but often only by what it hopes, not by what it attains, or what it escapes.” ―Thomas Carlyle
“Young people are fitter to invent than to judge; fitter for execution than for counsel; and more fit for new projects than for settled business.” ―Francis Bacon
“At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.” ―Salvador Dali
“It is not possible for civilization to flow backwards while there is youth in the world. Youth may be headstrong, but it will advance it allotted length.” ―Helen Keller
“Remember that as a teenager you are at the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.” ―Fran Lebowitz
“A hundred things are done today in the divine name of Youth that if they showed their true colors would be seen by rights to belong rather to old age.” ―Wyndham Lewis
“How beautiful is youth! How bright it gleams with its illusions, aspirations, and dreams! Book of Beginnings, Story without End, Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend! – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends.” ―Mary Mcleod Bethune
“Youth gets together with their materials to build a bridge to the moon or maybe a palace on earth; then in middle age they decide to build a woodshed with them instead.” ―Henry David Thoreau
“There is a certain part of all of us that lives outside of time. Perhaps we become aware of our age only at exceptional moments and most of the time we are ageless.” ―Milan Kundera
“It is easy, when you are young, to believe that what you desire is no less than what you deserve, to assume that if you want something badly enough, it is your God-given right to have it.” ―Jon Krakauer
“Youth! There is nothing like youth. The middle-aged are mortgaged to Life. The old are in Life’s lumber-room. But youth is the Lord of Life. Youth has a kingdom waiting for it. Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile.” ―Oscar Wilde
“Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. You are as old as your doubt, your fear, and your despair. The way to keep young is to keep your faith young. Keep your self-confidence young. Keep your hope young.” ―Luella F. Phean
Christian Youth Quotes
“The medium obscured the message.” ―Christopher Moore
“He who wants a rose must respect her thorn.” ―Andre Gide
“One in 150 kids is autistic these days. The autism spectrum is growing.” ―Luke Ford
“During the Eighties, when I was hurting for money, I thought, ‘Hang on a minute – I can paint.’ I was living in New York and I thought it would get the grocery money coming in, and it escalated from there.” ―Ronnie Wood
“I love films that make me react emotionally and physically when you walk out of the cinema. Two of my favorite films however have got to be ‘The Tree Of Life’ and ‘The Piano Teacher,’ which also stars one of my favourite actresses Isabelle Huppert.” ―Alicia Vikander
Youth Quotes by Swami Vivekananda
“Strength is life, Weakness is Death.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“You are the creator of your own destiny.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“The greatest sin is to think yourself weak.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Be a Hero. Always say, ‘I have no fear’.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Arise, awake and stop not until the goal is reached.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Your aim is yours, so don’t change it for others.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“All power is within you: You can do anything and everything.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Never be weak, you must be strong; You have infinite strength within you.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“The power of concentration is the only key to the treasure-house of knowledge.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“See for the highest, aim at the highest and you shall reach the highest.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead. If you lose, you can guide!” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Talk to yourself once in a day..otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Great work requires great and persistent effort for a long time..Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Like fire in a piece of flint, knowledge exists in the mind. Suggestion is the friction which brings it out.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“A brave, frank, clean-hearted, courageous and aspiring youth is the only foundation on which the future nation can be built.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“Youth is the best time. The way in which you utilize this period will decide the nature of coming years that lie ahead of you.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” ―Swami Vivekananda
“True guidance is like a small torch in a dark forest, it doesn’t show everything once. But gives enough light for the next step to be safe.” ―Swami Vivekananda
Quotes On Youth By Famous Personalities
“Young people need models, not critics!” ―John Wooden
“The duty of youth is to change corruption!” ―Aristotle
“Youth is wasted on the young!” ―George Bernard Shaw
“The youth is the hope of our future!” ―Jose Rizal
“I’m not young enough to know everything!” ―J. M. Barrie
“In youth we learn; in age we understand!” ―Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
“You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever!” ―Germaine Greer
“Everybody’s youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness!” ―F. Scott Fitzgerald
“An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young!” ―Oscar Wilde
“Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief!” ―Nicholas Sparks
“In youth, we run into difficulties. In old age, difficulties run into us!” ―Beverly Sills
“You are only young once, and if you work it right, once is enough!” ―Joe E.Lewis
“Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor!” ―Euripides
“Everyone believes in his youth that the world really began with him and that all merely exist for his sake!” ―Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
“It is an illusion that youth us happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched!” ―William Somerset McCarthy
“Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation!” ―Nelson Mandela
“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured!” ―Kurt Vonnegut
Short Quotes about Youth
“Youth is wholly experimental.”
“Youth has no age.” ―Pablo Picasso
“Reckless youth makes rueful age.” ―Benjamin Franklin
“Youth is the trustee of prosperity.” ―Benjamin Disraeli
“Ask the young. They know everything.” ―Joseph Joubert
“Youth should be a savings bank.” ―Sophie Swetchine
“Praise youth and it will prosper.” ―Irish Proverb
“Youth lives on hope, old age on memories.” ―Unknown
“Youth is a period of missed opportunities.” ―Cyril Connolly
“Youth comes but once in a lifetime.” ―Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity.”
“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” ―Adolf Hitler
“Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.” ―John Milton
“Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.” ―Aristotle
“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” ―Bible
“Youth doesn’t need friends – it only needs crowds.” ―Zelda Fitzgerald
“Youth is a disease from which we all recover.” ―Dorothy Fulheim
“The secret of eternal youth is arrested development.” ―Alice Roosevelt Longworth
“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.” ―Diogenes
“Youth is a quality, not a matter of circumstances.” ―Frank Lloyd Wright
“Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth.” ―J. K. Rowling
“The passions of the young are vices in the old.” ―Joseph Joubert
“Youthfulness is about how you live not when you were born.” ―Karl Lagerfeld
“Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.” ―Herbert Hoover
“The arrogance of age must submit to be taught by youth.” ―Edmund Burke
“If youth is a defect, it is one we outgrow too soon.” ―Robert Lowell
Youth Quotes That Will Show the Power of Youth
“The power of a king lies in his mighty arms; that of a brahmana in his spiritual knowledge; and that of a woman in her beauty youth and sweet words.” ―Chanakya
“I think something very weird’s going on now, ’cause the power that is permitted to youth is quite extraordinary. And they are sort of run by that kind of power.” ―Edie Sedgwick
“Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.” ―Bo Bennett
“It is important how we view the youth of our nation. To simply consider them as new age voters will be a big mistake. They are the new age power.” ―Narendra Modi
“Recollections of early childhood bear comparison to fairy tales, and … youth remains an unknown country to whose bourn no traveler returns except as the agent of a foreign power.” ―Lewis H. Lapham
“Alas, alas, that ever love was sin! I ever followed natural inclination under the power of my constellation And was unable to deny, in truth, My chamber of Venus to a likely youth.” ―Geoffrey Chaucer
“Knowledge begets power. “Power begets force. “Force is applied from ignorance.” With a smile of habit, I looked at the blond youth on the end. “Sergol? Would you finish it?” “Knowledge leads to ignorance.” ―L.E. Modesitt Jr.
“Adeline closed her eyes. Youth! What chance had the most reasonable arguments against the arrogant power of those three words? That her daughter, her precious prize, should utter them so easily, and about such a one as he!
“Questions invaded my mind and I was young and skeptical, wanting to believe in the power of the mind, wanting to believe in the power of intellectual force, terribly afraid of sentimentality in myself and others.” ―Sherwood Anderson
“We will explore the mysteries of science and harness the power of technology and innovation. We will realise the opportunities of the digital world. Our youth will learn more from – and with – each other.” ―Narendra Modi
“Such elderly people were in the habit of saying that he simply had no will-power; but it might just as well have been said that he had all his life long only been a many-sided dilettante.” ―Robert Musil
“The seven things that make up the rainbow of India’s development are India’s strong and deep rooted family system, Agriculture-Animal development, India’s Matru Shakti (women power), Natural Resources (Jal, Jameen, Jungle), Youth power, Vibrant Democracy and Knowledge.” ―Narendra Modi
“Everyone holds a certain type of power. For young people, it’s their youth, their attractiveness, and their energy. But they’re terrified that as those qualities fade, what are they going to replace that form of power with? — Chuck Palahniuk
“One solace yet remains for us who came Into this world in days when story lacked Severe research, that in our hearts we know How, for exciting youth’s heroic flame, Assent is power, belief the soul of fact.” ―William Wordsworth
“Again, where the people are absolute rulers of the land, they rejoice in having the openness and exuberance of youth, while a tyrant counts this a danger, and seeks to slay or silence those possessed of spirit, while the discreet fear his power and violence.” ―Euripides
“What is the special privilege of youth? It is, I think, the power of looking forward, the firm belief that the future holds something that is worth possessing, and that, therefore, one can let the present moment drop from one without regret and without fear.” ―Edith Sitwell
“Youth is the period in which a man can be hopeless. The end of every episode is the end of the world. But the power of hoping through everything, the knowledge that the soul survives its adventures, that great inspiration comes to the middle-aged.” ―Gilbert K. Chesterton
“Her voice is still pitched high, thanks to her youth, but it has a certain incipient darkness to it, a low richness that will mature in the coming years to the smoky tones of a priestess or a queen — a woman of great natural power.” ―Libbie Hawker
“The experience of helping a fellow man in danger, or even of training in a realistic manner to be ready to give this help, tends to change the balance of power in a youth’s inner life with the result that compassion can become the master motive.” ―Kurt Hahn
“When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young.” ―Maya Angelou
“I am happy to note that the BJP as an organization is looking to creatively harness Power of Social Media. We have to ensure our Youth stays engaged in our Democratic process. We have to make our Democratic process accessible to them. Social media is an important tool for this.” ―Narendra Modi
“Whose best and most fruitful gift was the power of admiration, which made it possible for me to learn. Now, as in my youth, I am looking up to the truly great creations of the past, which I see high above my own and which alone deserve the name of greatness.” ―Thomas E. Mann
“Don’t worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday.” ―Mary Schmich
“Look at their arts, their power of turning stone into lifelike figures, and above all, the way in which they can transfer their thoughts to white leaves, so that others, many many years hence, can read them and know all that was passing, and what men thought and did in the long bygone. Truly it is marvelous.” ―G.A. Henty
“The delicious faces of children, the beauty of school-girls, “the sweet seriousness of sixteen,” the lofty air of well-born, well-bred boys, the passionate histories in the looks and manners of youth and early manhood, and the varied power in all that well-known company that escort us through life, we know how these forms thrill, paralyze, provoke, inspire, and enlarge us.” ―Ralph Waldo Emerson
“A magnificient life is waiting just around the corner, and far, far away. It is waiting like the cake is waiting when there’s butter, milk, flour and sugar. This is the realm of freedom. It is an empty realm. Here man’s maginificent power over nature has left him alone with himself, powerless. It is the boredom of youth without a future.” ―Henri Lefebvre
“We sat there smiling at each other, shimmied to a standstill, thinking about all the boys that had wanted us that day, and how none of them had got us, not for a minute; how we’d let them pay for drinks and candyfloss and then run away laughing, their cries of ‘Slags!’ and ‘Bitches’ ringing in our ears like respect rather than derision.” ―Julie Burchill
“People, you see … are ruthless and foolish. When they’re young, in order to have money and power, they give up everything like health and youth. And when they get sick, become old, and have all the money and power … in order to find their health and youth again, they spend all of the wealth they’ve wasted so much energy and time to accumulate.” ―Jae Hee
“Courageous parenting does not always involve saying no. Parents also need courage to say yes to the counsel of modern-day prophets. Our Church leaders have counseled us to establish righteous patterns in our homes. Consider five fundamental practices that have the power to fortify our youth: family prayer, family scripture study, family home evening, family dinner together, and regular one-on-one interviews with each child.” ―Larry R. Lawrence
“”Oh, I don’t know. I guess I just expected that any army Saer raised would be … you know … the evil undead.” Everyone just looked at me. “Oh, yeah, I guess you’re right. Neo-Nazis are more or less the evil undead. Right. So we have Saer about to attack at any moment with a bunch of goose-stepping Nazis. Great. Anyone here do a really good Winston Churchill impression? — Katie MacAlister
“The Lord has told me that the last generation before His final coming will consist of His choicest children since the creation of the earth. But you will face a world filled with much pain and evil. Men … will gain great power over God’s children. Youth such as yourselves will have a great responsibility to build up a pure and undefiled people in the midst of all this pain.” ―Chris Heimerdinger
“The most dangerous kind of man is not the one who spent his youth shoving others around. That kind of man gets lazy, and is often too content with his life to be truly dangerous. The man who spent his youth being shoved around, however … When that man gets a little power and authority, he often uses it to become a tyrant on par with the worst warlords in history.” ―Brandon Sanderson
“The Bible sees a peculiar virtue in powerlessness, appropriate to a people which has seldom possessed power, and suffered much from its exercise; but it also sees virtue in achievement, and achievement as the sign of virtue, especially of those once weak and lowly. Both Joseph and Moses had no rights of birth, and narrowly survived vulnerable childhoods or youth; but both had the God-endowed qualities to bring them to greatness by their own efforts.” ―Paul Johnson
“Hollywood is still the cradle of many myths, including the one of eternal youth. I find it odd that the very notion of desire, when applied to a woman over 40, is turned into a pathology or a mockery in a number of films. But Hollywood is not the only place to blame, by far. This is just a rendition, possibly magnified by the power of movies, of a general state of things, social, cultural and political.” ―Anne Fontaine
“Israel’s economic and cultural progress is due to three things: the pioneering spirit that inspires the best of our immigrant and Israeli youth, who respond to the challenge of our desolute areas and the ingathering of the exiles; the feeling of Diaspora Jewry that they are partners in the enterprise of Israel’s resurgence in the ancient homeland of the Jewish people; and the power of science, and technology which Israel unceasingly, and not without success, tries to enhance.” ―David Ben-Gurion
“Politics is clearly a not so happening topic in our young blood. I could clearly see many students yawning. Some might have been discussing the new Shakira video amongst themselves, the one shown on MTV these days. Bloody donkeys, if it was a porno movie featuring an interracial orgy, their eyes might have ogled out and ears might have become sensitive to the oohs and aahs but not for causes of the nation. Hrmpf … youth power indeed!” ―Faraaz Kazi
“The zest, the generous affections, the illusions, the despair, all the traditional attributes of Youth all save this come and go with us through life; again and again in riper years we experience, under a new stimulus, what we thought had been finally left behind, the authentic impulse to action, the renewal of power and its concentration on a new object; again and again a new truth is revealed to us in whose light all our previous knowledge must be rearranged.” ―Evelyn Waugh
“So popular is alliteration that in the 1960s it actually made a grab for political power. In the 1960s a vast radical youth movement began campaigning to do things for the sole reason that they began with the same letter. Ban the bomb. Burn your bra. Power to the people. For a moment there it seemed as though alliteration would change the world. But then the spirit of idealism faded and those who had manned the barricades went off and got jobs in marketing.” ―Mark Forsyth
“On the boardwalk the arcade jukebox plays all night surrounded by teenagers sometimes twenty bodies deep, bare-skinned and full of energy for the music, for one another, for life, for the little bit of freedom they taste in the salt air and their skin. My father finds his place in this crowd. They are a force together. They don’t do drugs. They don’t drink. But they do music, and their power comes from their numbers and the thrill of being young on the beach at night.” ―Laura Schenone
“Victor Serge died in exile and obscurity, apparently no more than a splinter of a splinter in the Marxist movement. But with the passage of the years, he looms up as one of the great moral figures of our time, an artist of such integrity and a revolutionary of such purity as to overshadow those who achieved fame and power. His failure was his success. I know of no participant in Russia’s revolution and Spain’s agonies who more deserves the attention of our concerned youth.” ―I. F. Stone
“Charles de Lint creates a magical world that’s not off in a distant Neverland but here and now and accessible, formed by the “magic” of friendship, art, community, and social activism. Although most of his books have not been published specifically for adolescents and young adults, nonetheless young readers find them and embrace them with particular passion. I’ve long lost count of the number of times I’ve heard people from troubled backgrounds say that books by Charles saved them in their youth, and kept them going.” ―Terri Windling
“A noble and active mind blunts itself against nothing so quickly as the sharp and bitter irritant of knowledge. And certain it is that the youth’s constancy of purpose, no matter how painfully conscientious, was shallow beside the mature resolution of the master of his craft, who made a right-about-face, turned his back on the realm of knowledge, and passed it by with averted face, lest it lame his will or power of action, paralyse his feelings or his passions, deprive any of these of their conviction or utility.” ―Thomas Mann
“Passions are merely ideas in their initial stage. They are the property of youth, and anyone who expects to feel their thrill throughout his life is a fool. Tranquil rivers often begin as roaring waterfalls, but no river leaps and foams all the way to the sea. Tranquility, however, is often a sign of great, if hidden, power. Intensity and depth of feeling and thought preclude wild outbursts of passion; in sorrow and joy the soul takes careful stock of every situation, and sees that so it must be.” ―Mikhail Lermontov
“So give me back that time again, When I was still ‘becoming’, [185] When words gushed like a fountain In new, and endless flowing, Then for me mists veiled the world, In every bud the wonder glowed, A thousand flowers I unfurled, [190] That every valley, richly, showed. I had nothing, yet enough: Joy in illusion, thirst for truth. Give every passion, free to move, The deepest bliss, filled with pain, [195] The force of hate, the power of love, Oh, give me back my youth again!” ―Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
“The day becomes more solemn and serene When noon is past; there is a harmony In autumn, and a lustre in its sky, Which through the summer is not heard or seen, As if it could not be, as if it had not been! Thus let thy power, which like the truth Of nature on my passive youth Descended, to my onward life supply Its calm, to one who worships thee, And every form containing thee, Whom, SPIRIT fair, thy spells did bind To fear himself, and love all human kind.” ―Percy Bysshe Shelley
“One reason why the cycle of archetypes recurs is that each youth generation tries to correct or compensate for what it perceives as the excesses of the midlife generation in power. For example, Boomers (a Prophet generation, whose strength is individualism, culture and values) raised Millennial children (a Hero generation, whose strength is in collective civic action). Archetypes do not create archetypes like themselves, they create opposing archetypes. Your generation isn’t like the generation that shaped you, but it has much in common with the generation that shaped the generation that shaped you.” ―William Strauss
“In my youth and comparative inexperience I had always regarded the yearning and pangs of love as the worst torture that could afflict the human heart. At this moment, however, I began to realize that there was another and perhaps grimmer torture than that of longing and desiring: that of being loved against one’s will and of being unable to defend oneself against the urgency of another’s passion; of seeing another human being seared by the flame of her desire and of having to look impotently, lacking the power, the capacity, the strength to pluck her from the flames.” ―Stefan Zweig
“The aim of education is to develop resources in the child that will contribute to his well-being as long as life endures; to develop power of self-mastery that he may never be a slave to indulgence or other weaknesses, to develop [strong] manhood, beautiful womanhood that in every child and every youth may be found at least the promise of a friend, a companion, one who later may be fit for husband or wife, an exemplary father or a loving intelligent mother, one who can face life with courage, meet disaster with fortitude, and face death without fear.” ―David O. McKay
“I felt that Lionsgate really understood the material and that they would let us make a faithful adaptation; that they wouldn’t soften it, they wouldn’t age up the characters, to make them older so that it would be more palatable. I felt that the power of the book was in the youth of these protagonists and that you couldn’t cheat on that in terms of their age in the story. Lionsgate was on board for, of course, the PG-13 version of the movie, not something full of blood and guts, but something more thematically driven. -Nina Jacobson, pg. 14 — Kate Egan
“In his youth when he was poor and had difficulty in earning his bread, he preferred to go hungry and in torn clothes rather than endanger his narrow limit of independence. He never sold himself for money or an easy life or to women or to those in power; and had thrown away a hundred times what in the worlds eyes was his advantage and happiness in order to safeguard his liberty. No prospect was more hateful and distasteful to him than that he should have to go to an office and conform to daily and yearly routine and obey others.” ―Hermann Hesse
“Rhy felt Alucard’s eyes wandering slowly, hungrily, over him, and he blushed. The heat started in his face and spread down, through his collar, his chest, beneath shirt and belt. It was disconcerting; Rhy might not have magic, but when it came to conquests, he was used to holding the power – things happened at his whim, and at his pleasure. Now he felt that power falter, slip. In all of Ames, there was only one person capable of flustering the prince, of reducing him from a proud royal to a nervous youth, and that was Alucard Emery. Misfit. Rogue. Privateer. And royal.” ―Victoria Schwab
“Though Jones had formerly believed himself in the very prime of youth and vigor, his first encounter with Lady Bellaston both vexed and puzzled him. For though his own youthful appetites were quickly sated, hers were ravenous and almost beyond his power to satisfy. Her kisses and caresses were a source of inexpressible delight; yet when all was over it was he who collapsed into the most profound slumber. Early the next morning she took him shopping, her manner fresh and cheerful. Jones could not fathom her spritely behavior. And in spite of all his best endeavors, he could scarcely keep his eyes open.” ―Henry Fielding
“True, I used to see a lot of hope. I saw men tear down the veils behind which the truth had been hidden. But then the same men, when they have power in their hands at last, began to find the veils useful. They made many more. Life has not changed. Only some people have been growing, becoming different, that is all. After a youth spent fighting the white man, why should not the president discover as he grows older that his real desire has been to be like the white governor himself, to live above all the blackness in the big old slave castle? — Ayi Kwei Armah
“It is currently said that hope goes with youth, and lends to youth its wings of a butterfly; but I fancy that hope is the last gift given to man, and the only gift not given to youth. Youth is pre-eminently the period in which a man can be lyric, fanatical, poetic; but youth is the period in which a man can be hopeless. The end of every episode is the end of the world. But the power of hoping through everything, the knowledge that the soul survives its adventures, that great inspiration comes to the middle-aged; God has kept that good wine until not. It is from the backs of the elderly gentlemen that the wings of the butterfly should burst.” ―G.K. Chesterton
“To believe those things, which are commonly spoken, by such as take upon them to work wonders, and by sorcerers, or prestidigitators, and impostors; concerning the power of charms, and their driving out of demons, or evil spirits; and the like. Not to keep quails for the game; nor to be mad after such things. Not to be offended with other men’s liberty of speech, and to apply myself unto philosophy. Him also I must thank, that ever I heard first Bacchius, then Tandasis and Marcianus, and that I did write dialogues in my youth; and that I took liking to the philosophers’ little couch and skins, and such other things, which by the Grecian discipline are proper to those who profess philosophy.” ―Marcus Aurelius
“So they all went home afterwards. My sisters and I sat on the veranda and cried until a storm drove us inside. We agreed to meet in the barn loft for crying once a week but after a while we forgot. Once we did but nobody could work up a cry and we started playing wolves and chickens and Little Mary had to be the chicken and Savannah shoved her out of the loft and broke her collarbone. The hearts of children are hard naturally because of their short memories. Everything they play with becomes true and such as an acorn cap for a Holy Grail, such is the power of the untrained mind, and all our training of it is both of advantage and not.” ―Paulette Jiles
“The more formidable the contradiction between inexhaustible life-joy and inevitable fate, the greater the longing which reveals itself in the kingdom of poetry and in the self-created world of dreams hopes to banish the dark power of reality. The gods enjoy eternal youth, and the search for the means of securing it was one of the occupations of the heroes of mythology and the sages, as it was of real adventurers in the middle ages and more recent times … But the fountain of youth has not been found, and can not be found if it is sought in any particular spot on the earth. Yet it is no fable, no dream-picture; it requires no adept to find it: it streams forth inexhaustible in all living nature.” ―Ferdinand Cohn
“The warm night claimed her. In a moment it was part of her. She walked on the grass, and her shoes were instantly soaked. She flung up her arms to the sky. Power ran to her fingertips. Excitement was communicated from the waiting trees, and the orchard, and the paddock; the intensity of their secret life caught at her and made her run. It was nothing like the excitement of ordinary looking forward, of birthday presents, of Christmas stockings, but the pull of a magnet – her grandfather had shown her once how it worked, little needles springing to the jaws – and now night and the sky above were a vast magnet, and the things that waited below were needles, caught up in the great demand. (“The Pool”) — Daphne Du Maurier
“Something wonderful has happened to me. I was carried up into the seventh heaven. There all the gods sat assembled. By special grace I was granted the favor of a wish. “Will you,” said Mercury, “have youth, or beauty, or power, or a long life, or the most beautiful maiden, or any of the other glories we have in the chest? Choose, but only one thing.” For a moment I was at a loss. Then I addressed myself to the gods as follows: “Most honorable contemporaries, I choose this one thing, that I may always have the laugh on my side.” Not one of the gods said a word, on the contrary, they all began to laugh. Hence, I concluded that my request was granted, and found that the gods knew how to express themselves with great taste; for it would hardly have been suitable for them to answer gravely: “It is granted thee.” ―Soren Kierkegaard
“There have been times during my life when I have wish to be a boy again, not to have the energy and perfect health of youth, but know once more the innocence and the delight in even the smallest of things that we often fail to feel full strength as the years drift by. What is easy to forget, however, until you apply yourself to the task of memory, is that childhood is a time of fear, as well; some of those fears are reasonable, others irrational and inspired by a sense of powerlessness in a world where often power over others seems to be what drives so many of our fellow human beings. In the swoon of childhood, the possibility of werewolves is as real as the school yard shooter, the idea of vampires as credible as the idea of a terrorist attack, the neighbor possessing paranormal talents as believable as a psychopath.” ―Dean Koontz
“A strange thing happened to me in my dream. I was rapt into the Seventh Heaven. There sat all the gods assembled. As a special dispensation I was granted the favor to have one wish. “Do you wish for youth,” said Mercury, “or for beauty, or power, or a long life; or do you wish for the most beautiful woman, or any other of the many fine things we have in our treasure trove? Choose, but only one thing!” For a moment I was at a loss. Then I addressed the gods in this wise: “Most honorable contemporaries, I choose one thing – that I may always have the laughs on my side.” Not one god made answer, but all began to laugh. From this I concluded that my wish had been granted and thought that the gods knew how to express themselves with good taste: for it would surely have been inappropriate to answer gravely: your wish has been granted.” ―Soren Kierkegaard
“Old age is the most precious time of life, the one nearest eternity. There are two ways of growing old. There are old people who are anxious and bitter, living in the past and illusion, who criticize everything that goes on around them. Young people are repulsed by them; they are shut away in their sadness and loneliness, shriveled up in themselves. But there are also old people with a child’s heart, who have used their freedom from function and responsibility to find a new youth. They have the wonder of a child, but the wisdom of maturity as well. They have integrated their years of activity and so can live without being attached to power. Their freedom of heart and their acceptance of their limitations and weakness makes them people whose radiance illuminates the whole community. They are gentle and merciful, symbols of compassion and forgiveness. They become a community’s hidden treasures, sources of unity and life. They are true contemplatives at the heart of community.” ―Jean Vanier
“Glorious,’ said Steerpike, ‘is a dictionary word. We are all imprisoned by the dictionary. We choose out of that vast, paper-walled prison our convicts, the little black printed words, when in truth we need fresh sounds to utter, new enfranchised noises which would produce a new effect. In dead and shackled language, my dears, you are glorious, but oh, to give vent to a brand new sounds that might convince you of what I really think of you, as you sit there in your purple splendour, side by side! But no, it is impossible. Life is too fleet for onomatopoeia. Dead words defy me. I can make no sound, dear ladies, that is apt.’ ‘You could try,’ said Clarice. ‘We aren’t busy.’ She smoothed the shining fabric of her dress with her long, lifeless fingers. ‘Impossible,’ replied the youth, rubbing his chin. ‘Quite impossible. Only believe in my admiration for your beauty that will one day be recognized by the whole castle. Meanwhile, preserve all dignity and silent power in your twin bosoms.” ―Mervyn Peake
Youth Quotes and Sayings
“A sensual and intemperate youth translates into an old worn-out body.” ―Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Youth is such a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children.” ―George Bernard Shaw
“Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, and lose the medium in the wild extreme.” ―Aaron Hill
“Young people are in a condition like permanent intoxication, because youth is sweet and they are growing.” ―Aristotle
“Well, youth is the period of assumed personalities and disguises. It is the time of the sincerely insincere.” ―Pablo Picasso
“Youth is, after all, just a moment, but it is the moment, the spark, that you always carry in your heart.
“A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?” ―Confucius
“A Church without Youth is a Church without a future. Moreover, Youth without a Church is Youth without a future.” ―Pope Shenouda Iii
“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” ―Friedrich Nietzsche
“One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.” ―Virginia Woolf
“Use your youth so that you may have comfort to remember it when it has forsaken you, and not sigh and grieve at the account thereof.” ―Sir Walter Raleigh
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will have truly defeated age.” ―Sophia Loren