Intelligence Quotes : 170 Best intelligence quotes and sayings with beautiful images to share with your friends, family and loved ones. Famous and motivational quotes by intellectuals can be an encouraging, uplifting, and inspirational way to start or end your day. Wisdom/intelligence is owned by all of us, but not everyone knows how to use it. You don’t have to be a genius to appreciate smart quotes given by intellectuals.
No matter where you use these Intelligence quotes, whether you use them in texts, post them on social media, or stick on your room wall as a note. These Intelligence quotes about Intelligent Person can help boost your morale, stimulate your enthusiasm, and make you better. Hope these intellectual quotes prove to help make your day a better one. These intelligence quotes have been carefully selected from a wide range of quotes options. Hopefully after reading these intellectual quotes, you will begin to understand yourself and your life better. And will be inspired to use your intelligence to rise above other things in life. Let’s have a read at these intelligence quotes and sayings from famous intellectuals.
Therefore, through these intellectual quotes, let tune your life towards a positive direction and improve yourself. Hope these quotes about intelligence can help you make you smarter.
If you find yourself struggling to find some unique, funny, and wise quotes about intelligence, then we are here with an enormous collection of intellectual quotes and sayings with beautiful images to share with friends, family or loved ones. Gain more knowledge by reading these intelligence quotes.
Best Intelligence Quotes
- “Education is no substitute for intelligence.”― Frank Herbert
- “It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.”―Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- “Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.”―Marie Curie
- “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” ―Albert Einstein
- “The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”― J. Krishnamurti
- “I’m a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.”― Antonio Gramsci
- “It is one thing to be clever and another to be wise.” ―George R.R. Martin
- “You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.” ―Frank McCourt
- “It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” ―Albert Einstein
- “I not only use all the brains that I have, but all I can borrow.”―Woodrow Wilson
- “Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.”―Walter Cronkite
- “The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.”―Carl Gustav Jung
- “I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.” ―Oscar Wilde
- “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” ―Maya Angelou
- “If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.”―Ralph Waldo Emerson
- “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.”―Walter H. Cottingham
- “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.”―Zig Ziglar
- “Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn’t understood.”―Wei Hui
- “He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.”―P.G. Wodehouse
- “The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.”―Terry Pratchett
- “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” ―Harlan Ellison
- “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.” ―Isaac Asimov
- “A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions–as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.” ―Friedrich Nietzsche
- “It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.” —Arthur C. Clarke
- “I don’t know what good it is to know so much and be smart as whips and all if it doesn’t make you happy.”―J.D. Salinger
- “A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.” ― Nelson Mandela
Famous Intelligence Quotes
- “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” —Stephen Hawking
- “Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you.” —Roger Ebert
- “A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.” —Saul Bellow
- “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” —Plutarch
- “The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason.” —Marya Mannes
- “I’m not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb… and I also know that I’m not blonde.” —Dolly Parton
- “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” —James Madison
- “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” —Henry Ford
- The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” —F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether.” —Roy H. Williams
Quotes on Artificial Intelligence
- “Is artificial intelligence less than our intelligence?” —Spike Jonze
- “The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.” —Jeff Hawkins
- “A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.” —Alan Perlis
- “The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.” —Jean Baudrillard
- “Before we work on artificial intelligence why don’t we do something about natural stupidity?” —Steve Polyak
- “By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.” —Eliezer Yudkowsky
- “It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.” —Colin Angle
- “I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.” —Claude Shannon
- “Artificial intelligence is growing up fast, as are robots whose facial expressions can elicit empathy and make your mirror neurons quiver.” —Diane Ackerman
- “There is no reason and no way that a human mind can keep up with an artificial intelligence machine by 2035.” —Gray Scott
- “Forget artificial intelligence – in the brave new world of big data, it’s artificial idiocy we should be looking out for.” —Tom Chatfield
- “The real question is, when will we draft an artificial intelligence bill of rights? What will that consist of? And who will get to decide that?” —Gray Scott
- “Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.” —Ginni Rometty
- “Nobody phrases it this way, but I think that artificial intelligence is almost a humanities discipline. It’s really an attempt to understand human intelligence and human cognition.” —Sebastian Thrun
- “We must address, individually and collectively, moral and ethical issues raised by cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and biotechnology, which will enable significant life extension, designer babies, and memory extraction.”—Klaus Schwab
- “Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.” —Alan Kay
- “Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold.” —Ray Kurzweil
- “Someone on TV has only to say, ‘Alexa,’ and she lights up. She’s always ready for action, the perfect woman, never says, ‘Not tonight, dear.’” —Sybil Sage
- “If the government regulates against use of drones or stem cells or artificial intelligence, all that means is that the work and the research leave the borders of that country and go someplace else.” —Peter Diamandis
- “Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-human intelligence—in the form of Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or neuroscience-based human intelligence enhancement – wins hands down beyond contest as doing the most to change the world. Nothing else is even in the same league.” —Eliezer Yudkowsky
- “You have to talk about ‘The Terminator’ if you’re talking about artificial intelligence. I actually think that that’s way off. I don’t think that an artificially intelligent system that has superhuman intelligence will be violent. I do think that it will disrupt our culture.” —Gray Scott
- “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. I mean with artificial intelligence we’re summoning the demon.” —Elon Musk
- “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race….It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.” — Stephen Hawking
- “The upheavals [of artificial intelligence] can escalate quickly and become scarier and even cataclysmic. Imagine how a medical robot, originally programmed to rid cancer, could conclude that the best way to obliterate cancer is to exterminate humans who are genetically prone to the disease.” — Nick Bilton
- “I’m more frightened than interested by artificial intelligence – in fact, perhaps fright and interest are not far away from one another. Things can become real in your mind, you can be tricked, and you believe things you wouldn’t ordinarily. A world run by automatons doesn’t seem completely unrealistic anymore. It’s a bit chilling.” —Gemma Whelan
- “Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We’re nowhere near doing that now. However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on.” —Larry Page
- “The pace of progress in artificial intelligence (I’m not referring to narrow AI) is incredibly fast. Unless you have direct exposure to groups like Deep mind, you have no idea how fast—it is growing at a pace close to exponential. The risk of something seriously dangerous happening is in the five-year time frame. 10 years at most.” —Elon Musk
Intelligence Quotes about Intellectuals
- “Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.” —Tzu Quotes
- “Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.” —Marx Quotes
- “To perceive things in the germ is intelligence.” —Tzu
- “Action is the real measure of intelligence.” —Hill
- “An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself.” —Camus
- “If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it.” —Einstein
- “Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are” —Santayana
- “There is no method but to be very intelligent.” —Eliot
- “Nowadays to be intelligible is to be found out.” —Wilde
- “He who knows best knows how little he knows.” —Jefferson
- “Mad, adj. Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence.” —Bierce
- “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” —Einstein
- “I cannot believe that God plays dice with the cosmos.” —Einstein
- “We need only travel enough to give our intellects an airing.” —Thoreau
- “For all things difficult to acquire, the intelligent man works with perseverance.” —Tzu
- “Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant.” — Hugo
- “The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read with loads of learned lumber in his head.” —Pope
- “It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics.” —Shaw
- “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” —Einstein
- “An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.” —Hemingway
- “Science has not yet taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence.” —Poe
- “And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, that one small head could carry all he knew.” —Goldsmith
- “I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be an affront to your intelligence.” —Shaw
- “I don’t consider myself an intellectual. And this is not one of my aims. But I admire intellectual people.” —Monroe
- “It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong.” —Jefferson
- “We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.” —Einstein
- “What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.” —Freud
- “I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.” —Twain
- “The intellect is not a serious thing, and never has been. It is an instrument on which one plays, that is all.” —Wilde
- “It is the mind that makes the body rich; and as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds, so honor peereth in the meanest habit.” —Shakespeare
- “What a person thinks on his own without being stimulated by the thoughts and experiences of the other people is even in the best case rather paltry and monotonous.” —Einstein
- “Only those who know the supremacy of the intellectual life can understand the grief of one who falls from that serene activity into the absorbing soul-wasting struggle with worldly annoyances.” —Eliot
- “I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.” —Wilde
- “The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot.” —Twain
Military Intelligence Quotes
- “Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.” —Marx
- “Rehearsals and this band are two words that don’t really go together, kinda like Military Intelligence.” —Cantrell
- “I don’t think so. Whatever went on in the minds of Syrian military intelligence officials I really can’t speak to.” —Hooper
- “Syria maintains a sizable presence of military and intelligence officials in Lebanon in contravention of the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1559.” —Boucher
- “Are the result of offensive intelligence and military operations overseas, as well as strong partnerships with our allies around the world, such as Pakistan.” —Ridge
Intelligence Quotes about Intelligent Person
- “Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.” —Tzu
- “I’m going to, not I’m gonna. Talk intelligent.” —Ali
- “There is no method but to be very intelligent.” —Eliot
- “He is far too intelligent to become really cerebral.” —LeGuin
- “It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.” ―Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- “I’m not sarcastic, I am just intelligent beyond your understanding.”
- “A large section of the intelligentsia seems wholly devoid of intelligence.” —Chesterton
- “For all things difficult to acquire, the intelligent man works with perseverance.” —Tzu
- “The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything.” —Goethe
- “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” —Ford
- “Man is the most intelligent of the animals – and the most silly.” —Diogenes
- “Intelligence rules, not intelligent people; the mind rules, not the smart person.” —olfgang Van Goethe
- “It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics.” —Shaw
- “An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.” —Hemingway
- “His intelligence. He?s skillful and he?s very, very intelligent. He always just makes that right play.” —Ortega
- “The intelligent man is one who has successfully fulfilled many accomplishments, and is yet willing to learn more.” —Parker
- “The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell.” —Weil
- “An intelligent person can look at any event that the people consider very ominous and absolutely bad, from a favorable angle.” —Rene Descartes
- “ZKnow Me to be the eternal seed of all creatures. I am the intelligence of the intelligent, and the brilliance of the brilliant.” —Gita
- “A man cannot utter 2 or 3 sentences without disclosing to intelligent ears precisely where he stands in life and thought . . .” —Emerson
- “Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.” —Bono
- “We’ve no use for intellectuals in this outfit. What we need is chimpanzees. Let me give you a word of advice: never say a word to us about being intelligent. We will think for you, my friend. Don’t forget it.” —Celine
Emotional Intelligence Quotes
What is emotional intelligence? If we understand emotional intelligence in simple words, it helps in improving our self-control, self-awareness, empathy, social skills. All of these help us understand ourselves and each other and control our emotions. Emotional intelligence essentially provides the ability to identify, understand, name, and control our feelings and emotions. We should not take lightly the importance of learning social and emotional intelligence. It enables us to conduct social learning, from creativity to decision-making to interpersonal relationships, health and performance.
Experts say that emotional literacy is a special and most important part of having and using complex vocabulary to describe and understand a whole range of emotions. Likewise, being able to differentiate between emotions, recognize their effects, and understand them is very important. Interestingly, research shows that the average number of emotions that people can recognize themselves and others is usually three; happy, sad, and bad. However, in contrast, this number is much higher.
- “How you react emotionally is a choice in any situation.” —Judith Orloff
- “When a man is prey to his emotions, he is not his own master.” —Benedict de Spinoza
- “Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.” —Elizabeth Gilbert
- “Never let your emotions overpower you intelligence.”
- “We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel.” —Marshall B. Rosenberg
- “It is a choice. No matter how frustrating or boring or constraining or painful or oppressive our experience, we can always choose how we respond.” ―Edith Eger
- “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” —Maya Angelou
- “You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.” —Dale Carnegie
- “We don’t know where we’re going, we don’t know what’s going to happen, but no one can take away from you what you put in your own mind.” —Edith Eger
- “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” —Viktor E. Frankl
- “Perhaps the most liberating moment in my life was when I realized that my self-loathing was not a product of my inadequacy but, rather, a product of my thoughts.” —Vironika Tugaleva
- “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” —Viktor Frankl
- “Strong, negative emotions (fear, anger, anxiety, hopelessness) tend to narrow our minds—it’s as though our peripheral vision has been cut off because we’re so focused on the peril that’s front and center.” —Marc Brackett
- “My message for everyone is the same: that if we can learn to identify, express, and harness our feelings, even the most challenging ones, we can use those emotions to help us create positive, satisfying lives.” —Marc Brackett
- “If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.” —Daniel Goleman
Intellegence Quotes and Sayings
- “Intelligence forbids tears.” —Dorris Lessing
- “Wit is educated insolence.” —Aristotle
- “Intelligence is enormously sexy.” —Frank Langella
- “Intelligence is a moral category.” —Theodor Adorno
- “Intelligence is nothing without delight.” —Paul Claudel
- “Only great minds can afford a simple style.” —Stendhal
- “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” —Stephen Hawking
- “Intelligence is the art of good guesswork.” —H. B. Barlow
- “Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.” —George Santayana
- “Intelligence is really a kind of taste: taste in ideas.” —Susan Sontag
- “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” —Albert Einstein
- “Intelligence flourishes only in the ages when belief withers.” —Emile M. Cioran
- “The intellect is always fooled by the heart.” —Francois de la Rochefoucauld
- “Be smarter than other people, just don’t tell them so.” —H. Jackson Brown
- “A sign of intelligence is an awareness of one’s own ignorance.” —Niccolo Machiavelli
- “Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary.” —Blaise Pascal
- “Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
- “The best intelligence test is what we do with our leisure.” —Laurence J. Peter
- “Intelligence must follow faith, never precede it, and never destroy it.” —Thomas a Kempis
- “Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.” —Linus Torvalds
- “Intelligence is the faculty of making artificial objects, especially tools to make tools.” —Henri Bergson
- “Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
- “A small mind is obstinate. A great mind can lead and be led.” —Alexander Cannon
- “Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training.” —Anna Freud
- “The greatest intelligence is precisely the one that suffers most from its own limitations.” —Andre Gide
- “There is no greater evidence of superior intelligence than to be surprised at nothing.” —Josh Billings
- “The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.” —Jean Baudrillard
- “The intelligence is proved not by ease of learning, but by understanding what we learn.” —Joseph Whitney
- “The difference between intelligence and education is this: intelligence will make you a good living.” —Charles F. Kettering
- “Intelligence is not to make no mistakes, but quickly to see how to make them good.” —Bertolt Brecht
- “It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.” —Rene Descartes
- “The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control emotions by the application of reason.” —Marya Mannes
- “The burden of intelligence: you can always imagine all those wonderful places where you can never belong.” —Robert Reed
- “An intelligence test sometimes shows a man how smart he would have been not to have taken it.” —Laurence J. Peter
- “Undernourished, intelligence becomes like the bloated belly of a starving child: swollen, filled with nothing the body can use.” —Andrea Dworkin
- “Wit is a dangerous weapon, even to the possessor, if he knows not how to use it discreetly.” —Michel de Montaigne
- “Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct from ability, which is capacity to act wisely on the thing apprehended.” —Alfred N. Whitehead
- “Your intelligence is measured by those around you; if you spend your days with idiots you seal your own fate.” —Mary M. Illigassch
- “One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence.” —Lewis Mumford
- “Wit lies in recognizing the resemblance among things which differ and the difference between things which are alike.” —Anne Louise Germaine De Stal
- “Intelligence, in diapers, is invisible. And when it matures, out the window it flies. We have to pounce on it earlier.” —Stanislaw J. Lec
- “The intellect is not a serious thing, and never has been. It is an instrument on which one plays, that is all.” —Oscar Wilde
- “There is no such thing as Intelligence; one has intelligence of this or that. One must have intelligence only for what one is doing.” —Edgar Degas
- “I’ve always felt that a person’s intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic.” —Abigail Adams
- “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” —F. Scott Fitzgerald
Intelligence Quotes Images and Pictures
Final Thoughts on Intelligence Quotes
These intelligence quotes are exactly the same you are looking to uplift your mood and motivate yourself to become the best version of yourself. A motivational quote or thought not only uplifts your moods, but also motivate you to become the best version of yourself. Starting a new day with some motivational and inspirational quotes is one of the best ways to help you uplift your life.
Keeping in mind the importance of emotional intelligence and literacy, we have included some powerful quotes about emotional intelligence here. There is no doubt that emotions are high because anxiety, fear, despair, anger, guilt, sadness, vulnerability and sometimes guilt remain in our lives. How to successfully deal with these emotions depends on emotional intelligence and literacy skills.
If you like and enjoyed reading these intellectual quotes and find them inspiring, please share them with your friends, family and loved ones.