100 Inspiring Employee Appreciation Quotes Sayings for Workplace

Employee Appreciation Quotes Sayings

  • “You’re a rockstar! Thanks for bringing the energy to the office every morning at 8am.”
  • “If desks could talk, yours would say “Ouch.” Thank you for your very hard work!”
  • “Complaining is finding faults. Wisdom is finding solutions.” —Ajahn Brahm
  • “You. Do. Great. Work. You deserve a huge thank you from the entire office.” Thank you!
  • “Employees like you can even make Mondays a joy. Thanks for your hard work and super attitude.”
  • “People make the difference. And one of those people is you. Thank you for making a difference in our company.”
  • “Your hard work and creativity is appreciated by all! Congratulations and hope we have you for many, many more years to come.”
  • “We appreciate you for more than just your work. We also want to celebrate your character and positive effect you have on others. Congratulations!”
  • “[NAME] is such a joy to work with. Every interaction is a positive one and I know he/she has big things ahead of him/her.”
  • “Attitudes are contagious, Bob Moawad said. That may explain why everyone around your desk is perpetually infused with dedication and enthusiasm. Thank you for being you!”
  • “When we need things done right, we don’t need to do it ourselves. We just need to give it to you. Thanks for your great work!”
  • “Let us be grateful for the people who make us smile, the people who make work fun, and the people we can count on to get the dang job done!”
  • “A pat on the back is only a few vertebrae removed from a kick in the pants, but is miles ahead in results.” —Poet and author Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Consider this one big pat on the back!”
  • “[NAME] is probably the most positive person I know. Even when you’re not supposed to be positive, like a hurricane is about to hit or something, he/she somehow remains positive. This positivity adds so much value to our entire team. Thank you for what you do!”

Employee Appreciation Quotes for Good Work

  • You do such great work! Thank you from the entire office!
  • I really appreciate how you use your skills and talent to get the whole team ahead. Kudos to your incredible performance!
  • You have the best combination of talent, skills and attitude that add up to great performance. Keep up the good work!
  • Hey [employee name], I noticed how greatly you handled the [x] project. You did an amazing job! Keep up the good work!
  • I am so impressed by your performance. You give 150% in your work! Honestly, you are such an inspiration to us all.
  • Dear [employee name], I was really impressed by your work on [x] project. Thank you for being someone I can rely on!
  • Thank you for being such a good example of how talent combined with great work shows off. Your consistently great performance is an inspiration to all of us.
  • Hey [employee name], you are a true superstar. The work you’ve put into [x] project is very high level, and I’ve learned so much from collaborating with you. Thank you!
  • OK, next time when we’ll need something done right, we’ll just skip the line and give it to you! Is there anything you can’t do? Thank you so much for your great work!
  • I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your work. You put a lot of effort into what you do, and it shows in your great results. Thank you so much for your dedicated performance!

Employee Appreciation Quotes for Workplace

  • Dear [employee name], thank you for making Mondays so much less gloomy!
  • You are such a superstar! I love the energy you bring to the office every day.
  • Dear [employee name], thank you for being our own office’s ray of sunshine! Your positivity motivates us even on the hardest days.
  • I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your workplace attitude here at [company name]. You are a true example to everybody.
  • Hey [employee name], you are honestly such an inspiration. It really shows that you love what you do, and in turn, your work is always top-notch.
  • I can honestly say this office would not have been as half as positive and inspiring without you in it. Thank you so much for your inspirational attitude.
  • Hey [employee name], you make such a difference in our team and department. Your can-do attitude and problem-solving skills are appreciated by all of us. Thank you so much!
  • I can honestly say that I have never met someone as positive and hard-working as you. Your attitude towards work is admirable, and I believe you will achieve great things in the future.
  • Your work ethics are a great way to show that sky is the limit with the right attitude. I am convinced you will achieve great things in life because of your amazing mindset!
  • Dear [employee name], you are a true example that the hard work and dedication always pay off. Your amazing workplace attitude is something we greatly appreciate. Thank you for choosing to give your precious time and skills to this company.

Employee Appreciation Quotes for Team

  • It’s great working with you. I honestly believe you are one of the reasons our company is so successful.
  • Cooperating with you has showed me the value of loving what you do. Your passion for work is such an inspiration!
  • Hey, thank you for being such a good teammate. I know I can always rely on your expertise, timeliness and hard work.
  • Dear [employee name], thank you for showing me how respectful and effective teamwork looks like. I really appreciate your calmness and can-do attitude.
  • I just wanted to let you know how much the whole team appreciates you. Thank you for being such a great professional to work with.
  • Hey [employee name], thanks for helping me out today. You provided me such a valuable insight into [y]. You should really consider giving lectures about it!
  • Hey [employee name], you were so great to collaborate with. Your sharing of knowledge and respecting everybody’s input is a true inspiration to us all! Thanks a lot!
  • Dear [employee name], it was pleasure collaborating with you, as always! I love your can-do attitude and out-of-the-box thinking. That’s why I look forward to our next joint project!
  • Hey [employee name], I had the best time cooperating with you on [x] project. I hope we can repeat it, as I learned so much from you! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
  • Thanks for being such a cool teammate. I know I can always rely on you to come up with amazing ideas, but also work with the rest of the team to deliver great results.

Employee Appreciation Quotes for Work Anniversaries

  • Dear [employee name], happy anniversary! I hope you continue thriving in this company for many more.
  • Hey [employee name], all the best for your work anniversary. This company has hit the lottery with an employee like you.
  • Hey [employee name], happy service anniversary. I hope you continue bringing your positivity, calmness and funny jokes to the office every day.
  • Dear [employee name], all the best for your work anniversary! Thank you for being a part of our company’s success over the years.
  • Your contribution to our company proves that hard work, perseverance and can-do attitude can lead you to greatness. Happy work anniversary, [employee name]!
  • Happy anniversary! I hope you know how much our team owes to you. Your contribution over the years is something that everybody truly appreciates.
  • You have always stood out from the crowd. You are a true gem and of incredible value to the people around you. Happy service anniversary!
  • Dear [employee name], we hope you know how much we appreciate everything you do here at [company name]. You are such a joy to work with. Happy anniversary!
  • Apart from the jokes and laughs we shared over the years, I hope you know how much you influenced my professional career with your advice and support. I wish you a very happy work anniversary!
  • Dear [employee name], you have been an invaluable member of this team for [x] years now. We are truly thankful you decided to give this company your time and expertise. Happy anniversary, we look forward to many more.

Employee Appreciation Quotes for Everyday Occasions

  • Dear [employee name], thank you for taking my shift today. I really appreciate it!
  • Successful companies’ biggest assets are their employees. You are one of them. Thank you for your dedicated work.
  • Hey [employee name], I tried the cookies you made yesterday. They were awesome! Thank you for making my day.
  • I love that you always ask such good questions. Thank you for making me think through everything I say and do!
  • Thank you for initiating our game night the other day. It’s great that you care so much about our work community.
  • Hi [employee name], I just wanted to let you know that your jokes really make my day. It’s great working with you.
  • [Employee name], thank you for showing your colleagues that pursuing the excellence is the best way to get ahead in this company.
  • Hey [employee name], I hope you know your jokes make my day! Thanks for bringing your amazing sense of humor to the office 🙂
  • I really appreciate how you supported me during our meeting. It means a lot to me to know I have you backing my ideas!
  • Hey [employee name], thank you for your advice today. It may not seem as much, but it gave me new perspective into [x] issue. I really appreciate it.

Employee Appreciation Quotes for Personal Achievements

  • Congratulations on your promotion! It is very well deserved. We are all really happy you will be supervising us from now on!
  • Hey [employee name], I noticed you closed the [x] deal! That is huge! I know how much skill, effort and time it took. I am so proud of you! Congratulations!
  • I noticed your [x] campaign has created a huge demand for our [y] project. Congratulations on such innovative approach and delivery, we are truly blessed to have you on board.
  • Hey [employee name], congratulations on hitting your sales target! I know it was not easy, but you showed great perseverance and negotiation skills. You are such an asset to our team!
  • Wow, you’ve managed to drive [x] visitors to our website?! That is amazing! I am so glad your passion, work attitude and creativity is now confirmed in this huge accomplishment. Sincere congratulations!
  • I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your hard work. You really deserve that promotion, and I hope you know you will be an amazing leader to your team.
  • Dear [employee name], congratulations on exceeding your performance goals. Your work is greatly valued by all of us, and we hope you know how grateful we are for everything you bring to the table.
  • Hey [employee name], I heard you managed to resolve our client’s [x] issue today in record time. Congratulations! I am sure this will be noticed, and I cannot wait for you to explain to me how you did it!
  • Hey [employee name], I just wanted to congratulate you on your successful coordination of our teams in delivering [x] project. You are a leader that every employee looks up to for inspiration! Congrats on the project, I know it took a lot of hard work.
  • Dear [employee name], you have achieved all the goals we’ve previously set in your annual performance. This is great news and I wish to congratulate you on this huge achievement. It is evident that you contribute immensely to this team’s performance, and I hope you know how much we all appreciate your work! Congrats.