Beautiful Quotes on Joy and Sayings about Finding Joy of Life

Beautiful Quotes on Joy

  • “Comparison is the death of joy.” —Mark Twain
  • “A flower blossoms for its own joy.” —Oscar Wilde
  • “Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” —C. S. Lewis
  • “Joy blooms where minds and hearts are open.” —Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • “Joy is not in things; it is in us.” —Richard Wagner
  • “Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” —Pierre de Chardin
  • “When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” —Buddha
  • “Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” —Mother Teresa
  • “If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.” —Carlos Santana
  • “Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.” —Emily Dickinson
  • “There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.” —Khalil Gibran
  • “You have to sniff out joy. Keep your nose to the joy trail.” —Buffy Sainte-Marie
  • “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair…” —Susan Polis Schutz
  • “Do good, live in the most positive and joyful way possible every day.” —Roy T. Bennett
  • “Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” —Joseph Campbell
  • “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” —Rumi
  • “To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.” —Mark Twain
  • “If you’re not having a good time, find something else that gives you some joy in life.” —Penny Marshall
  • “Joy multiplies when it is shared among friends, but grief diminishes with every division. That is life.” —R.A. Salvatore
  • “I define joy as a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace – a connection to what matters.” —Oprah Winfrey
  • “The essence of life is not in the great victories and grand failures, but in the simple joys.” —Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • “A joyful heart is the normal result of a heart burning with love. She gives most who gives with joy.” —Mother Teresa
  • “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
  • “Joy is to fun what the deep sea is to a puddle. It’s a feeling inside that can hardly be contained.” —Terry Pratchett
  • “Optimists find joy in small things. They are more concerned with having many small joys rather than having one huge joy.” —Robert M. Sherfield
  • “Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” —Joseph Campbell
  • “There are souls in this world who have the gift of finding joy everywhere, and leaving it behind them when they go.” —Frederick William Faber
  • “Joy is the realest reality, the fullest life, and joy is always given, never grasped. God gives gifts and I give thanks and I unwrap the gift given: joy.” —Ann Voskamp
  • “The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.” —Christopher McCandless

Inspirational Quotes on Joy

  • “Find joy in the journey.” —Anonymous
  • “Joy is untouched by circumstance.” —Anonymous
  • “Find joy in the ordinary.” —Anonymous
  • “Spread joy. Chase your wildest dreams.” —Patch Adams
  • “Comparison is the thief of joy.” —Theodore Roosevelt
  • “The healthiest response to life is joy.” —Mark Twain
  • “Where there is love, there is joy.” —Mother Teresa
  • “Be committed to living in constant joy.” —Pam Brout
  • “We can choose to live in joy.” —Joseph Campbell
  • “Find out what gives you joy and do it.” —Anonymous
  • “A joy that’s shared is a joy made double.” —Proverb
  • “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be filled with joy.” —Anonymous
  • “When we are centered in joy, we attain our wisdom.” —Marianne Williamson
  • “Joy; the kind of happiness that doesn’t depend on what happens.” —David Steindl-Rast
  • “Innovation comes from people who take joy in their work.” —W. Edwards Deming
  • “Find ecstasy in life: the mere sense of living is joy enough.” —Emily Dickinson
  • “A joyful life is made up of joyful moments gracefully strung together.” —Brene Brown
  • “It is not joy that makes us grateful. It is gratitude that makes us joyful.” —Anonymous
  • “Learning to love yourself first brings more joy and peace than trying to love someone else.” —Anonymous
  • “Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness, and self-control. To these, I commit my day.” —Anonymous
  • “Whether you know or not, you are the infinite potential of love, peace, and joy.” —Annie Ray
  • “To have joy in your heart, one must know how to appreciate the small things in life.” —Anonymous
  • “She found joy and wonder in every little thing. And joy and wonder always found her.” —Katrina Mayer
  • “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” —Henri Nouwen
  • “When work is a pleasure, life is a joy. When work is a duty, life is a slavery.” —Maxim Gorky
  • “Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home. It’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” —Chuck Palahniuk
  • “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” —Buddha
  • “The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” —Russel M. Nelson
  • “When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” —Jean Shinoda Bolen
  • “If you can’t find joy in the path you are on and what you are working toward now, how do you expect to find joy once you get there?” —Anonymous
  • “Go find your joy. Whatever that is, go find your joy. Are you going to have a good day or are you going to have a great day? Because it’s completely up to you.” —Sandra Bullock

Inspiring Quotes about Finding Joy

  • “The soul’s joy lies in doing.” —Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • “The joy that isn’t shared dies young.” —Anne Sexton
  • “Joy is increased by spreading it to others.” —Robert Murray McCheyne
  • “Let your joy be in your journey—not in some distant goal.” —Tim Cook
  • “We have to embrace obstacles to reach the next stage of joy.” —Goldie Hawn
  • “The more the heart is sated with joy, the more it becomes insatiable.” —Gabrielle Roy
  • “Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.” —Helen Keller
  • “We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” —Joseph Campbell
  • “Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, in the suffering involved, not in the victory itself.” —Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” —Nhat Hanh
  • “Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” —Chuck Palahniuk
  • “Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.” —Mark Twain
  • “Just follow your joy. Always. I think that if you do that, life will take you on the course that it’s meant to take you.” —Jonathan Groff

Joy of Life Quotes and Sayings

  • “Life; I live you in all circumstances.
  • “Naked truth is always better than a fancy lie.
  • “Love your destiny, maybe yours is the best.” —Nietzsche
  • “And living, how great you are.” —F. Hüsnü Dağçlar
  • “A faithful heart is all we need for happy endings.
  • “A short time is long enough to live well.” —Cicero
  • “Life is sleep, love is his dream.” —Alfred de Musset
  • “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” —Charlie Chaplin
  • “Stop waiting for the perfect moment. Make your present moment perfect!
  • “Not living well, ending living well! This is true happiness.” —Aeskhylos
  • “The most perfect murder; to kill someone’s joy of life.” —Paulo Coelho
  • “Be honest with yourself because few people will be honest with you.
  • “You never lose friends. You just discover who your true friends are.
  • “Do not force anything to happen. If there will be, it will already.
  • “Living to the pleasure of others is the greatest of misery.” —P. Syrus
  • “Making some mistakes early will have huge benefits in your life.” —Thomas huxley
  • “Is your arm broken? Don’t be sad, maybe God will give you wings.” —Rumi
  • “if you begin to believe you do not live like you believe.” —Hazrat Umar
  • “Unless you dare to lose sight of the shore, one cannot discover new oceans.
  • “There might be a storm right now, but it can’t rain forever, so be strong.
  • “Do not try to understand everything. Sometimes you just have to accept it without understanding.
  • “Hurry to live well and know that every day is a life in itself.” —Seneca
  • “If you want to get what you want out of life, smile sweetly at him.
  • “If you don’t let the wrong person go, you will never find the right person!
  • “There may be a storm right now, but it can’t rain forever, so be strong.
  • “There is something more painful than losing a life. Losing the meaning of life.” —Seneca
  • “People live as long as they want to live, not as long as they live.
  • “It is better for him to live less and continue without dying of boredom.” —Dadaloglu
  • “If you don’t believe in miracles, you probably forgot that you are one of them.
  • “Take every breath you take, you are not weed, you will not end again.” —Omar Khayyam
  • “Sculptures of great men are made of stones thrown at them while they were alive.” —Jean cocteau
  • “Stay away from those who belittle your dreams! People with little spirit want to constrict, reduce others.
  • “Life is rough like the wave of the sea. If you mountain, beat and pass, sand and go.
  • “Let the energy of love flow freely instead of putting it in a jar and waiting.” —Paulo Coelho
  • “What’s the point of wanting to live after you can’t live the way you want to?” —R. Eşref Ünaydın
  • “What is the point of living if we do not know how to live in this mortal world?” —Geothe
  • “I do not lose my courage; because every given up wrong attempt is a new step forward.” —Thomas Edison
  • “I am neither attached to the past nor limited to the future. Now I live here and now.” —Omar Seyfettin
  • “Saying “I’m going to live” is not smart business, believe me; because tomorrow may be too late, live today.” —Martial
  • “Habits cannot pop out of the window. You have to pour tongues and take them down the stairs.” —Mark twain
  • “We change for two reasons: we either learn enough or want to change, or we get injured enough and have to change!
  • “Because life is so short; Forgive quickly, trust in time, laugh out loud, really love and do not forget to thank God for all this.
  • “When happiness is in your hand, it always looks small, but let it go and you will learn how great and precious you are.” —Maxim Gorky

Joy Quotes and Sayings

  • “Short is the joy that guilty pleasure brings.” —Euripedes
  • “Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter.” —Ben Franklin (1706-1790)
  • “The only joy in the world is to begin.” —Cesare Pavese
  • “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” —Nicolas Chamfort
  • “We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same.”
  • “The joy of a spirit is the measure of its power.” —Ninon de Lenclos
  • “Sorrow is to the soul, as worm is to wood.” —Turkish (on joy and sorrow)
  • “If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come.” —Chinese Proverb
  • “Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.” —Leo Tolstoy
  • “Tranquil pleasures last the longest; we are not fitted to bear the burden of great joys.”
  • “Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” —Joseph Campbell
  • “The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy.” —Jim Rohn
  • “The person who gets stuck on petty happiness, will not attain great happiness.” —Tibetan (on joy and sorrow)
  • “Resolve to keep happy and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” —Helen Keller
  • “The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.” —Henry Ward Beecher
  • “Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” —Marianne Williamson
  • “When you wish someone joy, you wish them peace, love, prosperity, happiness – all the good things.” —Maya Angelou
  • “I define joy as a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace – a connection to what matters.” —Oprah Winfrey
  • “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” —Henri Nouwen
  • “Joy descends gently upon us like the evening dew, and does not patter down like a hailstorm.” —Jean Paul Richter
  • “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” —Greg Anderson
  • “Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.” —Storm Jameson
  • “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” —Buddha
  • “The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts: and the great art of life is to have as many of them as possible.” —Montaigne
  • “Joy is not a commodity to be hoarded and protected. It is like a muscle. It must be used daily to keep strong and vigorous.” —Laura Moncur
  • “They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” —Tomm Bodett
  • “Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though t’were his own.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • “Laughter is wine for the soul – laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness – the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.” —Sean O’Casey
  • “If we try hard to bring happiness to others, we cannot stop it from coming to us also. To get joy, we must give it, and to keep joy, we must scatter it.” —John Templeton
  • “People come and go, pain comes and goes. But so does joy. And if our hearts are closed because we don’t want to suffer, they won’t be open enough to recognize the joy as it flies by.” —Geneen Roth
  • “Optimists find joy in small things. They enjoy sunsets, a good conversation with a close friend; and they enjoy life in general. They are more concerned with having many small joys rather than having one huge joy.” —Robert M. Sherfield
  • “We find greatest joy, not in getting, but in expressing what we are… Men do not really live for honors or for pay; their gladness is not the taking and holding, but in doing, the striving, the building, the living. It is a higher joy to teach than to be taught.” —RJ Baughan
  • “Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow.” —Rumi
  • “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.” —George Bernard Shaw